Alien X?!

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[Damian, in his regular form, starts the fight with Aggregor but quickly realizes he's getting overpowered. He then transforms into Ultimate Alien X, showcasing his godlike powers.]


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Damian: "I may not be able to defeat you in my regular form, but as Ultimate Alien X, I possess godlike powers that you cannot match."

Aggregor: "You may have transformed, but you underestimate my strength. I will not be easily defeated."

[Dramatic pause as the two face off, the ground trembling beneath them.]

Damian, as Ultimate Alien X: "My powers are beyond your comprehension. I can bend reality to my will and manipulate time itself. Surrender now, and I may show you mercy."

Aggregor: "I will never submit to you! I will fight until my last breath!"

[Alien X raises a hand, energy crackling around him, preparing to unleash a light beam.]

Damian, as Ultimate Alien X: "So be it. Prepare to face the consequences of challenging a being of my magnitude."

[With a flash of blinding light, Alien X releases a devastating attack, overpowering Aggregor and emerging victorious.]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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