Chapter 3: Blood Drive

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Today is the blood drive at school and so far, everybody has lined up to get their blood drawn by nurses

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Today is the blood drive at school and so far, everybody has lined up to get their blood drawn by nurses. My mom and dad were spending time with each other, but at least I know that Ethan has a special blood type. I also can't wait to be a big sister to my little brothers.

"Attention, all students. Come to the pep rally after school. Support the Devils." said the PA system.

The boys entered the room and got into their spots in the line.

"Oh, look at this. It's like opening day for Revenge of The Sith all over again." said Benny. "Just, so you know, minus the stormtroopers."

"My mom thinks I should donate. She says my blood is special." said Ethan. "I think that's exactly why I should keep it where it belongs, in my veins."

"Dude, she has to say your blood is special, she's your mom. The reason you don't give blood is because you're scared of needles, you big chicken."

"I'm not afraid. I just don't like them."

"Right, the same way you don't like the commercial with the dancing crackers?" said Benny, doing the dance as Ethan cringed at it. "It freaks you out."

"No, it does not, okay." Ethan denies it. "I'm just uncomfortable with eating things that dance. Plus, I don't see you rushing to donate."

"Uh, yeah, they can lift your entire genetic code from one drop. What if someone cloned me? No way am I giving..." Benny looks at the super hot nurse. "Then again, I could stand to lose a pint or two. You know what I'm saying? Come on."

Ethan makes a scared look.

"Unless, you're too chicken." Benny starts making chicken noises.

"I'm not a chicken. I'm a hawk, with huge talons... and laser eyes." said Ethan. He saw the needle that the nurse was holding and stumbled over.

I entered the room with Sarah and she was eating chips to control her cravings for blood.

"I just have to, um... talk to Sarah and Taffy. About something." Ethan walks away from him and walks over to us.

"Fine. More nurse time for me then." said Benny.

"Hey, Sarah. Hey, Taffy." said Ethan, greeting both of us.

"Hey, E Bear." I said, greeting him with a kiss.

"What's up?" said Sarah, asking him.

"Not much. You okay?"

"Sure, I'm fine. Why don't I look okay?"

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