Let it be

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Charlotte sat in her car as she drove got to work. Charlotte knew how hard that things were and she knew that she was trying. She was trying to find a way to pick up the pieces of her life but all that she felt was scared.

Charlotte was scared that she was actually going to end up falling apart and she hated it. Charlotte sat in her hair as she pulled her blonde hair into a bun. She knew that she had to try and move in from the derek and Addison drama

Charlotte frowned as she looked to see addison car pull up Bessie her as addison stood from the car. The two of them made eye contact as addison waved to grace who smiled slightly. Charlotte hated just how perfect addison seemed and yet she seems so imperfect

Charlotte walked into the crowded elevator and sighed. She knew that she had to try and put derek out of her mind

"Where's billing?" Charlotte heard someone say

"The basement" she and derek said together. Charlotte turned around and frowned as she saw him in the back corner

The two of them made eye contact for a moment as she turned away. It was hard for her to see him. It all felt awkward and she hated it

Charlotte knew that she and derek were never awkward


Charlotte walked into the locker room and looked to see grace who looked to her and smiled "are you okay" Grace asked as Charlotte walked over and sat on the floor

"Okay? You want to know if I am okay. Well I met a guy and I fell in love and I started to think about forever and the future and then it all fell apart. He was married and even though that she cheated on him he choose her and he broke my heart they are still here and she look amazing and I'm so the opposite and I just feel so annoyed" Charlotte said as grace pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I'm sorry" Grace said as Charlotte smiled to herself

"Don't be. You know what sucks the most. The fact that they are here and that she is and I feel as if they are rubbing it in my face. I didn't know over at of it and yet I am the one who got hurt the most" Charlotte said as grace smiled

"None of this is your fault" grace said as she looked to Charlotte as she sat on the floor as Charlotte looked up at her and smiled

"Then why do I feel as if they are taking over my life. I hate all of this" Charlotte said as grace smiled

"I know but no matter what I'm your person and I'm here even over my idiot brother and addison besides she slept with mark and hurt me too" Grace said as Charlotte looked to her and smiled. Charlotte knew how none of this was easy and she had to find a way to deal and she hated it

"You know what's worse I had to go through am awkward elevator ride with your brother and I just want to scream" Charlotte said

"They were always your thing" grace said as Charlotte looked to her and smiled

"That doesn't help" Charlotte said


Charlotte and Meredith are talking with an elderly woman named Esme Sorrento lying in a hospital bed in a ward. Her husband Jed Sorrento is at her bedside

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