Something to talk about

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Charlotte sat in the locker room. She knew that she was the talk of the hospital. She and derek were. Charlotte stood at her locker she listened to a bunch of interns as they stood talking over her

"She didn't even know he was married. I mean, his wife just shows up and he dumps her. I heard she flipped out" an intern said as Charlotte freaked. Charlotte knew they the memory of derek choosing addison over her was pretty raw still

"What does she expect? She got what she deserved. Dating an attending!" Another intern said

"Dating Mc Dreamy. Have you seen his hair? No guy is that perfect"

"I think it's kinda sad. She has to work here. With him. With them. Everyone knows" another intern said as bella walked over to them and glared

"Oi losers. Do you have nothing better to do then talk over someone else or is your own life so pathetic" grace spat As they all looked to her as they ran off

Charlotte looked to grace and smiled "you didn't have to do that" Charlotte said as Grace looked to her and smiled

"Yes I did" Grace said as they walked out of the locker room as they gathered for rounds. Grace was worried over Charlotte . She knew how Charlotte had fallen into a depressive state since derek choose Addie and Grace knew that as much as she loved Addie that derek was meant to be with Charlotte especially with all they had been through .

Grace knew how they were perfect for each other. The two of them approached the nurses station where bailey and the rest of the interns apart from Alex was

"Where's Karev?" Bailey asked

"Probably off somewhere, not kissing somebody" izzie said as grace snored

"Let's go O'Malley" Grace said as They start walking off. Grace, Cristina, Charlotte& Meredith follow a few feet behind them. Charlotte has a funny look on her face almost as if she was out of it

"Ah hmm. Hey so um after rounds we have something to show you" Cristina said

"Charlotte can you hear us?" Meredith said as she looked to her friend. She was worried over her friend

"She's not deaf" Grace said

"Well, she looks weird" Cristina said

"Well what did you expect? Derek didn't pick her, she's gone mental" Meredith said

"Charlie have you gone mental?" Grace asked as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I have not gone mental" Charlotte said

"See, okay she's fine. We have something to show you. So whatever you do, do not get assigned to a surgery this morning" Cristina said as They walk into an elevator, except for Charlotte who sees Derek & Addison walk out of the elevator next to theirs.

Charlotte stares at them. Charlotte feels sad. A group of guys point and look at grace . Grace comes out & takes charlotte into the elevator

"Yeah? Mind your own business" Grace spat


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