a typical lovers quarrel

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Mika's POV

"Fuck. Mika. I'm sorry." Billie apologized again.

It was a twenty minute drive from the airport to Tana's and we were 8 minutes in and I had yet to say a word to Billie. Part of me felt like I was overreacting and that she deserved an explanation to my freak out earlier. But another part of me felt really violated. You can't just kiss people like that. Yet I had no problem when Lauren did it. But Lauren and I have an established relationship, and not a forced one. I don't know Billie like that. I don't know her intentions with me. And while I can't deny that her lips felt great against mine, I couldn't shake the feeling that kissing her was wrong.

"Damn, was kissing me all that bad." She grumbled, crossing her arms and sinking into the seat, bringing her feet up to the seat as well. "I'm sorryyyyy Mika." She groaned. "I was wrong for kissing you like that. I should've asked. I misread the signs."

Billie's POV

"What signs Billie?" She asks, finally speaking to me again. Her sweet sweet voice sounding like music.

"I th-thought you were giving me eyes." I said, looking over at her. She was looking at me with a hard stare, clearly still upset, but looking more conflicted.

She didn't answer me this time and returned her gaze back out the window. I let out a sigh and started to think of ways I could fix this and get her talking to me again. I fiddled with the Tito's bottle before an idea popped into my head.

"How do I get back on your good side?" I asked, pushing the bottle towards her. She looked at me, then the bottle, then back at me before taking it and doing a shot. "Fair enough." I muttered.

The rest of the car ride followed on in silence besides the sound of the radio. Mika kept her gaze on the cars we passed on the highway and hummed along to a Khalid song. I tried my hardest to not become entranced by her, but I fear I may have stared at her for the remainder of the ride, completely enamored.

"We're here." The driver said has he pulled to a stop, effectively pulling my out of my trance.

Mila wasted no time in exiting the vehicle and heading towards the front door of the house we pulled in front of.

There were a few people gathered, drinking out front, but I knew the real events were taking place inside

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There were a few people gathered, drinking out front, but I knew the real events were taking place inside. Mika and I approached the security guard and I told him my last name and flashed my ID so he'd let us in. He handed us our tokens and opened the door.

Inside was just as I expected. Bodies. Bodies. Bodies. There were hoards of people; all drinking, smoking, grinding up on each other and music blasting from every direction. I grabbed Mika's hand, lacing our fingers together as I didn't want to lose her in the crowd. I half expected her to pull away from me, which wouldn't be a good look as this is technically our first outing as a 'couple'.

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