you're crazy

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A/N: Lexi's face claim is Yara. That's all, enjoy.

Mika's POV

"You've got some damn nerve Mika Soren."

"Oh, we're on a full name basis now, Taylor Alison?" I challenge her.

"I was going to ask if the rumors are true, but the proof is in the pudding, huh?" She asks, pushing some of my hair back and off my shoulder.

"I don't have time for this" I say, rolling my eyes and finally just pushing past her and entering her home. The last thing I need is more paps prying into my private matters. "Where is she?"

Taylor just stands in front of her now closed and locked door, arms crossed, staring me down.

Fuck this. I'm not playing these games anymore.

"LEXI!!" I shout as I head towards the kitchen, but she's not there, nor the connecting dining room. "Lexi, what the fuck, bro? I literally have to meet Jamie in less than an hour, can we just fucking talk and get this over with?!"

As I enter the living room, I look up at the bannister and see Lexi standing there in a robe, hair wrapped up in a towel and she was sending me death glares.

"Fucking hell Lexi. You gonna come down here and talk or we doing this like this?" I'm exasperated by this point. I've been running all over New York fucking City trying to piece together my night, and I finally have all the parts,  but now I've got to face the final boss.

She doesn't say anything, but comes down the stairs and both her and Taylor come into the living room, plopping down in the couch.

"I'm just here to moderate." Taylor says with her hands up.

"We all know you're on her side." I roll my eyes.

"Well if your side wasn't the side of a cheater—"

I cut Lexi off before she could continue this charade. "CHEATER?! You broke up with me! You broke up with me. You cannot be serious right now."

"It hadn't even been 6 hours." She replies cooly, seemingly unfazed, while I'm over her literally tripping out over these false accusations.

"It was my birthday Lexi. Plus I don't even remember it. I was plastered."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She asks. I know better than to answer that.

"You're not exactly pleasing your case." Taylor adds.

"You stay out of this." I point to the 6foot tall blonde. "You." I said, now directing my speech to Lexi. "I'm sorry. There is no excuse. I was wrong. About a lot of things. I'm sorry my actions and carelessness hurt you. Period."

"Was that so fucking hard?" Taylor mumbled.

I rolled my eyes in response. "Sorry to you too Taylor. For dragging you into our mess—My mess." I corrected.

"All's well that ends well." Lexi finally pipes in. "So babe. What's the plan today?"

I was confused for a second, because who is she calling 'babe'? I apologized, that doesn't mean we're back together.

"Hold up." I interject. "Babe? No. We're not getting back together."

"Oh, come on. I over reacted, you got even, we're good, no?"

"No." I confirm. "We're not good. We're not good at all. We're not good together. We're not good for each other. Us together is not good for our friends. I think it's time we actually call it quits this time." I rush out.

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