Excuse me, you can do a lot to me. But hating on ELF. That's taking things too far

Moving on, meet my at my place after school today. We need to work on PE

I don't know what kind of secret code that is, but I don't believe one bit of it. If you so dearly wanna hook up you can just ask.

Once again, in your dreams baby

I cant. I have some business to discuss with that Cary girl after school
Read 12:55

Scarlett sighed, closing her phone in the process. Regina was getting on her nerves. And now she was also getting into her mind.

She would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy whatever happened today in the slightest. Like she had told her friend Blair, Regina was hot. Her ego was just too much to handle.

Not thinking too much about it the redhead walked over to her next class. Something she wasn't looking forwards to since it was chemistry.

Well talking about the fucking devil... chemistry

Scarlett thought.

Regina for once, she felt confident once again. She like the newfound pover she had over the redhead. For three days she had been trying to find a way to control the new girl and now she had finally succeeded.

For the first time she wasn't worrying about whatever this meant for herself. She felt something, acted on it, controlled it. Just like she had done the past three years.

No one had to know anything about what happened, and no one would get to know anything about it.

Scarlett was out of the way, now it was time for Cady. However Cady her case was a little different.

Class had ended and Regina walked over to her hot pink jeep, Gretchen and Karen following hot on her heels.

She opened the door and sat in the seat, waiting for Cary to show up. A few minutes later she saw her walking up through the mirror. Once again her head was hung low.

Jezus, they are the exact opposite regina muttered at the sight of the small girl.

She quickly shifted her mood and turned around again, now facing Cady. "Get in loser" the phrase almost sounded like flirting and it made Cady blush, freezing in her tracks.

Regina got impatient quickly. "You're going to come or not hm?" She asked the girl, causing her to quickly holler herself in the jeep.

The drive was mostly silent, that was until Regina spoke up. "Have you talked to Scarlett yet?"

Cady thought for a bit. Truth was, she did try to speak to the redhead. But she was unsuccessful.

Many times...

"Hey, uhm do you understand this phrase?" Cady asked, turning her literature book towards her classmate.

"What?" Scarlett spoke bluntly.

"This phrase, I don't know what they mean by that"

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Where stories live. Discover now