Brownie Attack Chapter 2

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After 30 minutes I arrived to school. The only thing I like about this school is the pretty scented pink flowers all around the school. It makes the school look so beautiful. But they older boys keep ripping it up and leaving destruction in their wake.

I parked my bike into the bike security gate and I lock it up so no one can steal it especially the boys.

*RIIIIINNNGG* the bell went off

‘’SHOOOTT!!’’ I said

I ran into the school, into the hall and into the locker area. I put the combination number 389, some of my lucky numbers. The locker opened and WAAAM! I fell on the ground and my backpack slid all the way to the other side of the hall. ‘’OUCH!!’’ I got up slowly to see what happened. ‘’OH GREAT!!’’ All my hard books fell on me.

‘’I’m so sure I’m going to have detention from Mr. Hammer’’ I said to myself.

I picked up all of my books that fell on the floor and I took off my helmet and stuffed everything into my boring looking locker. I slammed the locker door really loud, I didn’t care because I was late for my 1st period. So I grabbed my backpack and tossed it over my shoulder as I ran to my 1st period which was Social Studies. The worst subject ever!

While I was running I saw the door of Mr. Hammer’s room. I knocked on it and the door opened immediately.

‘’Your 10 minutes late! Where were you?’’ He said.

‘’Urrmm’’ I bit my lower lip.

‘’Well?’’ he said

The whole class was staring at me for an answer so I just made something up quick to get this over with.

‘’My brother had to go get some gas but the gas station was so crowded with lots of cars’’ I said really fast.

‘’Is that your excuse?’’


‘’Take a seat’’

Mr. Hammer is a very mean teacher but im glad he went easy on me. Good thing I dident get detention. Wheww!

I went over to the back of the room to sit beside with my best friend Amy. She is the same age as me. 10 years old. The coolest thing is that her birthday is on June 8th and mine is on June 7th. How cool is that! Same age and same month!

The teacher started explaining what we are going to do in class.

‘’Hey Amy’’ I whispered

‘’Hey Kate’’ She smiled

‘’Why were you late for class, again?’’ she asked

‘’My brother’’ I said grumpily

‘’Oh he left you again?’’ She frowned

‘’Yeah, I hate it when he does that!’’

‘’Ohh poor you’’ she made a fake sad face, batting her eyelashes.

I giggled.

The teacher is talking non-stop. We continued to listen to the teacher until the period was over.

"My ears hurt from Mr.Hammer blabbing all that nonsense. I hate his lectures!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2011 ⏰

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