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"Hey Charles" i say embracing him in a hug. "How are you today sis" he asks smiling. "Yeah not too bad. I'm just tired" i say. Me and Lando decided best idea was to not tell Charles that were exploring stuff because Charles is not a fan of me dating the drivers. He says it ruins his competitive nature. "Mabel!" Carlos says hugging me. I giggle, "Hey Carlos" i say grinning. "Where's Lando?" Charles asks me squinting his eyes. "Uh. I don't know" i say shrugging.

We're meant to be having lunch with Lando and Carlos for Charles early birthday thing. Where is that man. I take a seat next to Carlos. I've always fancied him really. We've kissed a few times on nights out. Charles is never overly happy about it. But here we are. "Sorry I'm late mate" Lando says crashing through the door. Charles smiles, "It's ok Lando. We only just sat down" he says. I look to Lando and he looks between me and Carlos. He looks kind of annoyed. I don't know why. "Can i sit next to Mabel. I haven't seen her in ages" Lando says grinning to Carlos. Carlos nods and goes round to sit with Charles. That was odd. Lando slides in next to me breathing more relaxed now. "Are you ok?" I whisper to him. He looks to my eyes for a moment, "What yeah mhm" he says returning his focus to the lunch.

"Lando we missed you this morning" Carlos says laughing. "My bad boys. I was a bit pre-occupied" he says dropping his hand to my thigh. I look to him and he returns a small smile. I force a smile and turn back to face Carlos. His hand is distracting me so much right now. I can't even remember the means of conversation we were having. "What's everyone having to eat" I ask sweetly. Lando squeezes my thigh, making me jump slightly, "You know me. The BLT always" he says trying to hide his smirk from my sudden movement. "You ok Mabel?" Charles asks concerned. I nod embarrassed. "Yes i just felt something on my chair" i say giggling nervously. "Right" Carlos says raising his eyebrow.

We order our lunch and mid-way through us eating, Lando slides his hand further up my thigh till it's resting on my inner thigh. He's turned me on again. For fuck sake. "Your cheeks are a bit red, shall i ask them to put the air con on?" Carlos says. I feel Lando squeezing harder than last time and close my eyes briefly, "Yes that would be great" i say gathering myself. "Alright I'll go ask now" Carlos says getting up from his food. "I'm going to run to the ladies room" i say taking Lando's hand off my thigh. He watches me smirking as i walk away. What's he up to right now. I feel so fucking horny. Prick. I can't believe he's done this. I groan and try to splash water in my face when i see a message from him pop up.

lando: turned on, hm? ;)

mabel: Lando help I don't know
how to get rid of it.

I see he's read the message. I wait anxiously for him to reply.

lando: that's something I can fix later. but for now your gonna have to deal with it bells. just come back and finish your food and then I'll take you back to mine and we'll deal with it x

Since when did he start sending me x's. That's so weird. And definetely new. Goodness. I groan at his message. I don't want to wait this feeling out. It's taking over me right now. I walk back to the table and sit down. "You ok?" Charles asks smiling at me. I nod. "All good" I say forcing a smile. I go back to eating my salad and we sit talking about the race, which is when I feel Lando's hand slide back up to its previous place. I look to him pleadingly.



The way she's looking at me right now. I want to frame it. Those eyes man. I know I'm teasing her so much but I'm trying to teach her that sometimes you get turned on and have to deal with it in public settings. Admittedly with her brother and Carlos wasn't the best place but it works for the point I'm proving.

I rub my thumb in circles on her inner thigh and she tenses up in the seat. While Carlos and Charles are talking i lean into her and whisper, "don't tense up. it's more obvious. relax". She nods and relaxes more, allowing her legs to spread slightly. I rub circles on her inner thigh, slightly brushing past her mound. She holds my arm and sighs heavy. She's gonna start moaning if I don't stop. I pull my hand away from where it wants to go and just rest it on her thigh again. "Ok well. I need to borrow Mabel to help me with admin stuff for work. See you guys around?" I suggest. Charles stands up and hugs us both, "See you Saturday. For my birthday party!" He says excitedly. "I'll see you sooner than that. I'll see you for your actual birthday" Mabel says grinning. I watch her. I've never noticed how pretty she is before.

She goes to hug Carlos. I can't help but clench my jaw slightly. I know they had or have something. It's not good for her if we're exploring stuff together she needs to be focused on me. I gently pull her away from Carlos so their hug is shorter and we say goodbye going back to my McLaren. "What was that about?" She asks gesturing to Carlos as we walk out. "Nothing. I just think you need to solve your issue" I say smirking at her. "Yeah. Thanks to you for that" she says rolling her eyes. "I was trying to teach you that sometimes in public settings you get turned on by your significant other. And you need to handle it with grace" I say shrugging. "I did that. Easy." She says smiling at me. I slide my arms round her waist and pull her so close to me my lips are brushing hers. "Mabel you were about 10 seconds away from moaning at lunch with your brother and Carlos" I say raising an eyebrow at her. She looks mortified and gets into the car.

I sit in the drivers seat and put my hand back on her thigh. She looks out the window. "I didn't mean to be harsh bells. But you haven't mastered that yet. Which is ok. It takes time" I say squeezing her thigh gently. She looks to me flustered again, "Lando the feeling" she groans. I nod and drive faster.

We get back to the apartment and she hops into bed, "Help me get rid of it" she whines. I smile and sit down next to her. "How do you want me to do it? Finger you. Rub you. Or eat you out?" I ask her. She looks shocked. "There's options?" She asks me. "You're so innocent" I say kissing the side of her head. "Have you ever touched yourself Mabel?" I ask her straight out. She bows her head and shakes it embarrassed. "That's ok I'll pleasure  you. For now." I say softly. She nods, "What were the options again?" She asks blushing. "I'm gonna rub you babe" I say dominantly. She nods nervously and bites her lip. I wrap my arms round her waist and pull her closer to me. She lets out a little gasp at my sudden movements which makes me smirk. "Already ready for me?" I ask her softly. She blushes. I trail my hand down to her legs and gently caress them. She looks to me as a I draw circles on her inner thigh like before.

I gently push my hand up so it's resting on her mound. She elicits a little soft moan. "Omg what was that" she says her hand flying over her mouth. "A moan" I say smirking. She blushes. "That's so embarassing" she says giggling. I smile and slide my hand over her mound, "lands" she says looking to me. "It's okay just feel whats right for you. Move with me" I whisper softly. I start to rub my fingers in circles across her clit, and she holds me closer. She looks so innocent right now. It's making my dick so hard. I shouldn't. It's Mabel. My best mate. I start to increase my pace and she's letting out little soft moans. "Oh Lando" she says breathlessly. "Fucking hell darling" I say rubbing her harder. She holds me tighter. "Lando I've got a feeling" she whispers in my ear. "I know baby move with me, till it feels the best for you" I say. She moves around and starts to moan louder in my ear. My god. The sound of her moans right now. "Prettiest noises" I say. She blushes and I keep rubbing harder until I feel she's about to orgasm. As I see it in her eyes I place my lips on hers and intertwine our tongues, I feel her orgasm take over her as the vibrations can be felt throughout my mouth. I kiss her harder, wanting to draw out all the orgasms she has.

When I feel her come down from it. I pull away and kiss her cheek. "How was that?" I ask her. She looks to me blushing, "Wow." She says before giggling. I pull her closer to me and wrap my arms around her, "That was. Wow. Thank you Lando" she says kissing my cheek. We both freeze for a second. That's new. "Sorry I didn't mean to-" she says. "It's okay. Don't be silly" I reply smiling at her.

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