The Cardiologist

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There was one older woman name Emily, a cardiologist who was too obsessed in human hearts. Sometimes, when her shift ends she loved to look around dead hearts in jars, back in the hospital's basements. Especially the hearts she knew she hold once on her surgeries.

Once she met a girl who needed urgent heart surgery. As her patient they end up speaking and laughing about the world. Patients name was Helen, she loved speaking to Emily about her issues, life and her heart. Emily fell in love, not in Helen's by herself but in her heart! The irregular rhythm made her shiver and whenever she saw Helen, her heart skipped a beat and she knew Helen holds the heart she wants to hold in her embrace forever. Thinking about all this made her think deeply, because few years ago, her pleasure took over one surgery and she manage to ruin the healthy heart of the patient. She had break but came back after few years thinking she can handle this heart desires. But this girl changed it all.

Emily takes a deep breath, summoning all her courage as she decides to confess her feelings to Helen. She knows that this is a risky move, both personally and professionally, but she can no longer ignore the intense connection she feels towards Helen.

As they sit face-to-face, Emily's heart pounds in her chest, almost mirroring the irregular rhythm of Helen's heart. She takes a moment to compose herself before she begins to speak. With a trembling voice, she expresses her deepest emotions and the internal struggle she has been facing. Emily shares how her obsession with hearts has haunted her for years, and how Helen's heart has become the embodiment of her desires. She lays her vulnerability on the table, leaving the decision in Helen's hands.

Helen listens intently, her eyes filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity. She had sensed a special connection with Emily, but never imagined that it ran so deep. As Emily pours out her heart, Helen's own heart begins to flutter, torn between the boundaries of professionalism and the undeniable pull of their connection.

After a long silence, Helen finally speaks, her voice filled with a mixture of hesitation and sincerity. She acknowledges the intensity of Emily's feelings and the complexity of the situation. Helen admits that she too has developed a fondness for Emily, appreciating the doctor's genuine care and compassion. However, she understands the importance of maintaining a professional doctor-patient relationship, especially considering the gravity of her condition.

With a heavy heart, Emily accepts Helen's decision, respecting her boundaries and understanding the need for professionalism. They both agree to prioritize Helen's health and well-being above all else. Emily assures Helen that she will continue to provide the best medical care possible, setting aside her personal desires to ensure that Helen receives the treatment she deserves.

Although their relationship remains within the confines of doctor and patient, Emily and Helen develop a deep and lasting bond based on mutual respect and understanding. They continue to share moments of laughter and connection during Helen's hospital visits, cherishing the unique connection they have formed.

Emily's heart skips a beat as Helen accepts her offer to perform the surgery. She is both relieved and overwhelmed by Helen's trust, knowing full well the terrifying truth about her obsession with hearts. The irony of the situation is not lost on Emily, but she is determined to prove herself worthy of that trust.

In the days leading up to the surgery, Helen and Emily work closely together, preparing both physically and mentally for the procedure. Helen trains herself to focus solely on the surgery, pushing aside any doubts or fears about Emily's past. She chooses to believe in the doctor's abilities and the genuine connection they share.

Finally, the day of the surgery arrives, and the operating room is filled with an intense mix of anticipation and nerves. Emily meticulously goes through the steps, her hands steady and her focus unwavering. She knows that this surgery is not just about replacing Helen's heart, but about proving that she can overcome her own personal demons and deliver a successful outcome.

As Emily carefully removes Helen's damaged heart, replacing it with a healthy one, she can't help but feel a sense of relief and accomplishment. The surgery goes smoothly, and Helen's new heart starts beating in a regular rhythm. Emily ensures that everything is in order before closing up, taking extra care to make sure that Helen's body accepts the transplant seamlessly.

When Helen wakes up from the anesthesia, Emily is there by her side, a mixture of exhaustion and pride evident in her eyes. She gently explains the success of the surgery and the new heart beating within Helen's chest. Helen is grateful for the second chance at life, but she can't help but feel a sense of loss. Her heart, once irregular and unique, now beats in a regular pattern, devoid of any distinguishing features.

Emily, sensing Helen's unease, holds her hand gently and reassures her. She explains that while the physical heart may have changed, the connection they share is not dependent on the organ itself. Emily believes that true love and connection reside in the soul, beyond the physical realm. She tells Helen that no matter what heart beats within her body, her soul will forever beat for Emily.

Helen looks into Emily's eyes, her heart filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude. She realizes that Emily's love for her goes beyond the superficial, transcending the physicality of a heart. In that moment, Helen understands that their connection is deeper than she could have ever imagined.

Together, Helen and Emily embark on a journey of healing, both physically and emotionally. They navigate the challenges of their unique relationship, cherishing the love and connection they share. Emily continues to care for Helen as her doctor, but their bond goes beyond the boundaries of a typical doctor-patient relationship.

As time goes on, Helen's heart beats in a steady rhythm, but her love for Emily beats with an intensity that can never be measured. They find solace in each other's arms, knowing that their connection is far greater than any physical heart could ever be.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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