Learning To Submit

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"Can I at least pack a bag and make some phone calls, how...how long are we going to be gone?"

"One week..."

He gently pulled you to your feet, he left you for a moment to grab your clothes and hand them to you.

He held out your shirt high above your head, you put your arms up and let him put it on you, it was an oddly intimate move on his part, and very controlling.

After you were mostly dressed, he lifted you up and set you on the chair, knelling down he put on your shoes, again both intimate and controlling.

He sat up and looked down at you.

"So are you coming with me?"


You had some reservations about going with him, but you have even MORE reservations about disobeying him.

He turned you and opened the back bay of the aircraft.

"Go get ready to go, we are leaving in two hours, give me a moment to pick up some supplies and I will be right back..." He pushed you forward and swatted your ass, making you yelp in shock as you walked

{2 Hours Later}

You had brought a bag of clothes and your cell phone; you had called everyone saying that you had a family emergency and wouldn't be reached for a week.

You walked up to the aircraft open back door, it was uncloaked and held up your cats carrier as well as some food and portable litter.

"I'm not going anywhere without my cat Rooster – he's the one thing I don't want to leave alone."

Your voice was firm, Steve turned and looked down at the cat.

"I suppose he could come...not sure how Wakanda would feel about a cat coming along...I'm shutting the doors."

He did and he sat down at the controls.

"I'll keep the aircraft in a steady position as cruising altitude, so you are free to move about, and let him out so he can explore."

You set down the carrier and let him out, reluctantly he walked around as you were taking off into the air, you had to be about 20,000 feet in the air when it started flying in the direction of what you assumed was Wakanda.

"The flight will be about 12 hours... we can stop a few places if you get restless... in the meantime undress and lay on the bed."

Narrowing your eyes you looked around, sure enough he set up a bed in the corner, where had he gotten the mattress? Shit that is what he meant by supplies, giving Rooster a rub, you walked over to the bed and undressed quickly as you laid down.

You turned and looked up, Steve was undressing and coming over to you, that wild and ferial look in his eyes, he was going to claim you as his own again.

He wasted no time in laying down upon you putting most of his weight he bit down gently on your neck, earning a whimper and a cry of pleasure from your lips.

"Oh my god...Steve..." You moaned grabbing at his strong back muscles as he continued to keep on pounding into you, you struggled against him, you knew that you could use the safe word and that if you told him to stop that he would, but you didn't want it.

"Good girl..." He growled, grabbing your hair he tanged it behind your head, pulling you in for a hug as he continued to pound into you.

"I love you like this, under me...submitting..."

He moved his head to kiss you on the lips, the kiss was long and drawn out, and his beard ticked you as he continued to pound into you.

With a growl he broke the kiss, putting his hand on the back and top of your head, seeming to focus all of his movements at his hips.

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang