chapter 03

773 32 9

Author pov

"Is he awake now?" Jungkook asked to Wong-ju while working towards the basement "Yes sir.But may i know why you stopped us from killing him that day?" Wong-ju respond while walking behind Jungkook. "Because we need him to find Jake." Jungkook said before entering the basement while Wong-ju nod his head getting the point.

"Hey Milo wassup?" Jungkook said while smiling mischievously. The tied up guy with a body full of buries and cuts named Milo looked up at him with a half opened eyes. "Enjoyed huh?" Jungkook said sitting on the opposite chair as his while smirking as the view was so pleasing to him.

"So are you going to spill it already or wanna enjoy more?" Jungkook said with his cold and mischievous face looking straight into his orbs. Jungkook's eyes darken as Milo just keep staring at him without answering. "Ok so you want to enjoy more. Ok then Wong-ju bring the things please." Jungkook said with a mischievous smirk on his face as he called Wong-ju for some things.

Milo's eyes widened as he saw a knife, chilli powder and a full basket of ice-cubs in Wong-ju's hand. Milo's body started to shake as everyone in this mafia world knows what kind of guy Jungkook is when it comes to torture or kill someone. Jungkook's smirk grows bigger as he sees Milo's body shaking "Oh no need to worry dear today I, myself will show you the actual fun."

Jungkook said as he took the knife from Wong-ju's hand and started to cut off the skin of Milo's arm while Milo's loud howling and crying was heard. Jungkook smiles widely as he hears Milo's howls and cries while taking off some of his skin from his arm.

As Jungkook cut off some of his skin from his arm Jungkook again looked at Milo. "Are you ready to say where your brother is or want me to continue the fun hmm?" Jungkook said as he put the skin on the floor and started wiping the blood from his hand.

"Do whatever you want but I'll never tell you anything." Milo said between his cries and sobs as the pain he was feeling was too intense. "Ok then enjoy." Jungkook said with his mischievous smirk again as he took an ice-cub from the basket and started rubbing it on the part from where he has taken off the skin.

Milo starts to howl again as the pain in his arm was getting more intense than before. "You know what? You should stop being stubborn as it can lead you to a situation where you will start begging for death." Jungkook said calmly as he kept rubbing the ice-cube while enjoying the view.

"Kill me but I'll never betray my brother." Milo said before his cries and howls get more loud as Jungkook started to press the ice-cub harder on Milo's arm. "Oh so this is what you want. Ok, but unfortunately your luck isn't that good that you can die this easily." Jungkook said with his cold face while taking some more ice-cub as the old one already malted.

Jungkook started to torture him more with the ice-cubs as his cries and howls were getting louder each time Jungkook press a new ice-cub. "I am already so frustrated but still i am trying to control myself so just spill it already if you don't wanna get more." Jungkook said with a cold stare and dead serious face.

But Milo still didn't say anything making Jungkook boil in rage as he takes chilli powder from Wong-ju's hand and starts to rub some chilli powder on that same spot making Milo more howl and cry in the intense burning like sensation.

Jungkook was just staring at him with a burning gaze as he was already frustrated for the last two days and now Milo made him more furious with his behaviour. "Keep giving him his medicine until he opens his mouth." Jungkook said while getting up from the chair "And make sure to keep him alive." He added as he looked at Wong-ju.

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