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CHARIS AND AUSTIN'S HEARTS RACED WITH RELIEF as Marilyn's presence filled the room. Charis leaned down to unlace her shoes, the pounding in her ears slowly subsiding, while Austin removed his cap.

"Marilyn, you scared the hell out of us," Austin exclaimed, returning from stashing away the rake and broom. Charis wasted no time in enveloping her older sister in a tight hug before carrying her suitcases to the bedroom.

"Clearly," Marilyn grinned, casually opening the fridge. Her radiant blonde hair framed the sweet expression on her face, her blue jacket adding a vibrant touch to her appearance.

"We were supposed to pick you up," Austin remarked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I just hailed a taxi," Marilyn shrugged, seemingly oblivious to the commotion she had caused. While she hadn't responded to their messages, she arrived home at the time she had promised.

"Everything alright?" Austin prodded further.

"Yeah, I've got some news, but I just wanted to grab a bite and unpack first," Marilyn replied, settling onto a bar stool with her plate on the counter. Charis hovered nearby, eager to hear.

"All good, I presume?" Austin asked, giving the counter a quick wipe with a mop.

Marilyn nodded, though her expression seemed less than convincing to Charis. Sensing her daughter's hesitation, she decided to join the conversation.

"I have to tell you about so many things that happened while you were away," Charis interjected with a faint smile. Austin chuckled and shook his head, marveling at the Walter family's penchant for drama.

"Danny filled me in on some of it, but he said the rest has to come from you," Marilyn remarked, nodding in agreement.

"Danny, huh?" Charis raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Yeah," Marilyn admitted, her smile turning slightly bashful as she continued eating.

"Walter genes," Austin remarked with a smirk, noting his daughters' shared interest in the Walter boys.

"Dad!" Marilyn laughed, shaking her head.

"I'll be out in the garden if you need me," Austin announced, excusing himself from the kitchen.

As Marilyn began unpacking her suitcase, Charis settled onto her bed, eyeing her sister with anticipation. Marilyn turned toward her, prompting Charis to lean in.

"So?" Charis prompted eagerly, adjusting herself so her injured leg was comfortably positioned.

"This has been simultaneously the best and worst week of my life," Marilyn replied, her tone carrying a mix of exhaustion and intrigue as she resumed unpacking.

"What? Why?" Charis inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

"I'll fill you in after dinner. But first, I want to hear all about your week," Marilyn insisted, offering Charis a comforting smile.

As Charis delved into her story, she spared no detail, recounting everything from the moment Marilyn had left to her return. She painted a vivid picture of the Thanksgiving celebration, the bonfire, and Nathan's hospitalization, ensuring Marilyn was fully immersed in the events. They even discussed the loss of the foal, a somber moment amidst the chaos.

Marilyn listened intently, her emotions mirroring the highs and lows of Charis's tale. She felt the frustration of Charis's love-hate relationship with Cole, and her anger towards Alex. When Charis described the altercation from the day before, Marilyn's fists clenched involuntarily, a surge of protective instinct coursing through her.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Where stories live. Discover now