Second Chance. Diluc

Start from the beginning

I walked over to the coffee table and picked up the phone, the sender's name bright on the screen.


Seeing her name in the notification bar, I quickly unlocked my phone to check her message.

Yes, we were no longer lovers.

But, if she needed me, I would always be there for her, no matter how far away.

I read her small text.

I just got off work. How about you?

A relieved sigh exited my body. Just a mini check up text, nothing serious. Y/N always did that during the relationship, updating me on small things every second. 

A small chuckle.

I guess even after the break up she'll still update to me.

But how long will she continue to do so?

Will she stop doing it after she finds somebody new?

Will she text him instead?

These thoughts clouded my mind. After all, who would text their ex after they have found a new partner?

I gritted my teeth.

Even if I hated the thought of it, It was an undeniable part of the future. Y/N won't come to me forever, she'll eventually come to a new man.

Calm down, Diluc.

I mentally told myself.

What use does being possessive now after you two had decided to split?

I returned to the window to clear my mind.

It had a good view.

Of Y/N's corporate building in the distance.

Its lights was still on, albeit dimmed down. And the lights usually coming from Y/N's office room was completely dark, meaning she had finally decided to go home.

I texted back to her.


I'm fine. Glad you finally decided to go home earlier than your usual night shift. Remember, don't stay up too late, it's not good for you and of course don't skip meals. 

 I smiled at the text.

I could bet all my net worth that Y/N won't touch a single rice grain when she arrives home. 

Good night, Darling.

Diluc gets to keep his net worth for another day as you forgot to eat and went straight to bed.



Another day in the office.

You tiredly yawned as you unlock the door to my office. 

Just as you were about to sit down and start the laptop, a small knock came at the door.

"Come in."

Your assistant, Lia, came in and handled you the files needed for today's signing.

She stood straight as she handed you the booklet.

"So your schedule today is a meeting at 9am with the design department, one meeting at 3pm for a friendly collaboration between our company and Y group."

Not different than any other day.

Lia continued.

"The current head of Y group is the oldest son of the former head, Mr Childe. He is currently in his late twenties and had studied abroad most of his life. He had only moved back here a few months ago to take over the position of CEO."

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