The cartoon maker's breakdown part:2

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(this is Henry btw) henry pov

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(this is Henry btw)
henry pov

i woke up with a groan to see a office with a girl and a wolf with a mechanic hand i look around before standing up they looked towards me then the wolf came towards me and sniffed me before revolting backwards and running away i looked at him confused before i sniffed my self and i didn't smell that bad then the girl came up to me and sniffed me as well before she walked backwards

???:ugh! you reek of the living world! did you just die?

die?then it all came back to me i died because of old age and that's when i woke up here

henry:i'm sorry but where am i?

???:your in hell well in a part of hell called ink town so welcome sinner your probably in this part of town because you either animated shows or was part of a team that did similar stuff so you look relatively young but you have a few wrinkles so i'm guessing you died of old age 

i was shocked did she really guess all of that just by looking at me? she then  started typing out something then she looked at me

???:so how did you end up in hell?steal something?or maybe you killed a person?or maybe commited a sin?gluttony?greed?wrath?sloth?

henry:my wife cheated on me with a woman so i cheated on her with a man and then i figured out i was Bisexual

she nodded and started typing again i tried to look over her shoulder but the wolf came back and grabbed my shoulder and forced me to sit back down the woman then came over to me and gave me a few things

allison:welcome to ink town! my name is allison i'm the current mayor of the town so write down your name so i can make you an I.D and the keys are for your apartment the first two months are rent free so you can find a job also don't worry if you get injured everybody that resides in ink town get's free health care and if you can't find a job we can assign you one

i was shocked how can a place in hell have such great benefits? i start filling out the forms and once i finished them i gave them back to allison and after waiting a minute she gave me an I.D and before i could grab it an alarm went off she looked around worryingly before grabbing a megaphone and yelled for everyone to run inside and lock everything she then ran back inside once everybody else was inside she then locked the doors and closed the windows and closed the blinds then she made a small crack to look outside and i saw something strange it was a full black demon walking around on it's fists sniffing around before roaring and destroying the entrance and disapearing in a splash of ink leaving an imprint after allison made sure he was gone she told everybody to come out she then looked at the wolf worried for some reason so i decided to listen in on their conversation

allison:how could he not tell us? was he to far gone into his transformation he couldn't tell us or maybe he tried to get as far away from ink town as possible so he doesn't hurt the town? ok well tom go get your axe and my sword and then we need to find alastor so he can help us also new guy you look like you can fight wanna join us?

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