Two is better than one.

7 4 4

~Next Day~

Mr.Darcy:(sent video) whistling a song while rolling his sleeves up.

Me: Cool whistle.

Mr.Darcy: Can you whistle?

Me: I think so. When I was a child my grandmother told me not to whistle cause my boobs would get bigger,and at the time that scared me. Then when I grew up she told me not to whistle cause I would attract jinns by doing that.

Mr.Darcy: So were you afraid of having bigger boobs? And have you attracted a jinn?

Me:When I was a child ,yes,I didn't like the transformation...Then when I became a teenager I was like,this whistle thing better be working hahah. About attracting a jinn,I don't know. Hopefully not.
Me: (sent image)

Me: The jinns falling in love with me

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Me: The jinns falling in love with me .

Mr.Darcy: Two?

Me: Two is better than one.

Mr.Darcy: I didn’t know you were into threesoms.

Me:Not a threesome..A triangle..But I'm not into that either,when I come through in books it never ends good...What I'm into,is having choices without being too involved or consumed by it.

Mr.Darcy: Good for you.

Me: Yeah !

Mr.Darcy:(sent image) selfie in a purple background.

Me: Where are you? I like the purple behind you.


Me: You know what's weird?

Mr.Darcy: No,what?

Me: Everytime you cross my mind,I get a text from you seconds or minutes later.

Mr.Darcy: Or maybe ,I just send you texts every few seconds or minutes.

Me: Nah ! Not true ! You leave me on seen a lot and take ages to reply.

                                       Seen by Mr.Darcy

Mr.Darcy:(sent video) helicopter landing on hospital yard.

Me: Looks kinda cool.

Mr.Darcy: Lol. I need coffee to now fully be functional haha. Damn. I fell asleep literally after reading one page from the book.

Me: Ah, typical student behavior😂 hope coffee does you good.
Me: I heard that if you were to eat an apple,it has better awakening effect than drinking coffee. Besides it benefits you ,because eating an apple can keep the other doctors away from you.

Mr.Darcy: (sent image)

Me: Coffee it is then

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Me: Coffee it is then.

Mr.Darcy: I want to drink Balkan milk .

Me: It's a very limited edition.

Mr.Darcy:What, is it like a colostrum?

Me: Better.

   ~2 hours later~

Mr.Darcy: Run 10 km in one hour.

Me: Wow! That's amazing.

Mr.Darcy: After a long break.

Me: You did great !
Me:When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Mr.Darcy:Today I think.

Me: What was it?

Mr.Darcy:I sat in that purple chair for the first time. And slept in it. It was a good experience .

Me:I'd sleep there as well,you seemed relaxed.

Mr.Darcy: I need to build reading stamina again .I fell asleep within a minute of reading. Literally like diazepam .

Me:Did you just find yourself the cure of insomnia?

Mr.Darcy:Hahah. I never struggled to sleep. If anything, I struggle to wake up. But I deliberately stay awake at night cause it’s fun. Sleeping is boring. Dull man’s job.

Me:I thought you slept before midnight,like Cinderella.

Mr.Darcy: If I have work next morning yeah .

Me: Hmm,great !

Mr.Darcy:Feels strange having this post running feeling .

Me:Describe it to me.

Mr.Darcy: Ok. I am angry most of the time (in my thoughts) ,after running that stimulus is gone and  life becomes beautiful .

Me:So right now you are seeing life with heart eyes 😍

Mr.Darcy: Right now I’m so tranquil ,that snake 🐍 can roll over my chest and I might feed him a pistachio .Normal me would first skin the snake and the slow cook him until he’s dead by the dawn. And then feed it to the foxes.

Me:Why feed him a pistachio?

Mr.Darcy: Cause that’s what’s in my hoodie pocket right now .

Me:That's strange 😅You are giving the snake all you got in your pockets. The pistachio.

Mr.Darcy: You want some?

Me: Yeah,I love them.

Mr.Darcy: Any food that makes you extra horny?

Me: None that I know so far.

                                       Seen by Mr.Darcy

Texting Mr.DarcyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora