Okay,crazy !

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~Next Morning~

Mr.Darcy: (sent image) a selfie

Me: Morning handsome.

Mr.Darcy: Is it morning already?

Me: Mhm,it is. Still sleepy?

Mr.Darcy: A bit. I took a shower and feel better now. What about you?

Me: I'm just about to take a shower and feel better too.

Mr.Darcy: I'm very hungry today, I'd like to take you out for breakfast if I could.
Mr.Darcy:( sent image)

Darcy:( sent image)

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Mr.Darcy: We should visit this café.

Me: I'd love to,one day.
                                       Seen by Mr.Darcy

~Later that day~

Me: We talked a lot yesterday,are you compensating for it today?

Mr.Darcy: I'm still talking to you in my head. I never stopped.

Me: Don't talk about me with me behind my back.

Mr.Darcy: Hahah.

Me: Tell me. When you were talking to me in your head earlier ,what's the best thing that you told me,like your best thought ,and your worst thought?

Mr.Darcy: I woke up thinking about last night.I was thinking about you basically .The conversation kept happening in my mind and there I thought about a future with you. Like we meeting and going to nice places.
Mr.Darcy: Call me crazy but I believe that this is going to happen one day.

Me: Okay, Crazy ! What you think is not impossible,so who knows.
Me: I dont know why,but all day today I felt like I missed you,and it's not like we didn't talk or anything,cause even now,I still feel like that.You speak to me and I miss you..Super weird.

Mr.Darcy: Yesterday was a mental struggle for me ,but I can perfectly relate to how you feel.

Me: Hmm I'm sorry,I dont want to make you feel that way,and struggle because of me.

Mr.Darcy: Some days one should stay up late cause it is life 🥰. I have a dream. Like a futuristic dream.I want to build a log cabin in the snowy forest,and just live there with my dog and my girl.And during the day, I cut woods to burn at night And you prepare some sexy cake lol.I want a comfy bed with plenty of bounce back haha.

Me: Your dream is lovely,could easily adapt to it.But whats a sexy cake?

Mr.Darcy: Like you being half naked,a lot of berries and cream that I lick out of your fingers.

Me: The dog will see.

Mr.Darcy: I will get the dog black glasses

Me: Hahah.

Mr.Darcy: Will that be your excuse at night? I’m questioning the existence of dog in this dream.

Me: Don't question it,the dog is neccessary,he is a protector. I'm keeping the dog in this dream.

Me: Can we take a cat as well?

Mr.Darcy: Hmmmmmmm what if the dog makes out with the cat in doggy style?

Me: Nah ! That's incest. They will be siblings.
Me: Do you want kids Mr.Darcy? Like do you see yourself in a future ,being a father?

Mr.Darcy: Yeah definitely ! I want to be the cool hot dad. Cool for my kids and hot for my kids friends mothers.

Me: 😑

Mr.Darcy: And extra hot for my wife.

Me: Okay,thats better.

Mr.Darcy: I want the cabin though . We need a shower there as well. Like a waterfall maybe?

Me: Or a hot tub. I like to shower with hot water by the way.

Mr.Darcy: Me too.

Me:Great,you have nothing to deal with then hahah .I was gonna say deal with it if you don't like it.

Mr.Darcy:Ohh. Childhood dream this is. I haven’t given up on it,the cabin in the woods.

Me: Never give up on it,indeed start working to make it happen.

Mr.Darcy:Be on my side.

Me: I am on your side. I love the idea of it. It's just too peaceful.
Me: I'm going to call it a night,for now. So sweet dreams.

Mr.Darcy: Sleep tight ! I'll hold you in a hug all night.

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