Chapter 4

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* one day this week Tim didn't go to therapy Lucy was very worried about him she decided to look for him but she finds him drunk and she knows something might of happened

Lucy *calls Tim phone goes to voicemail - Tim it's Lucy you've missed today's session with me I'm worried about you call me back let me know you're okay

* but later that day Tim didn't call her back and that made Lucy very worried about him she goes to look for him

Lucy And Tim decided to share locations just in case something happened Lucy sees Tim's location it's at a bar

* Lucy drives to his location and sees Tim on the sidewalk he's on the floor again the wall drinking whiskey she parks the car and gets out

Lucy *sits down : Tim
Tim : Lucy what are you doing here
Lucy : you missed our session talk to me what's going on
Tim : I took your advice I talked to my sister she took me to see my dad we had a argument told him some things the next day my dad died genny blame me
Lucy *put an arm around him : she's grieving Tim not your fault
Tim : I shouldn't be talking about this
Lucy : let's get you home

* Lucy helped Tim get into her car she got into the car and drove to Tim's she's got his location just in case of an emergency

* Lucy arrives at his house she goes into his pocket and takes it gets Tim out of the car opened the door and shuts it goes to his bedroom puts him on the bed put his keys on the side

Tim *takes his shirt off and puts it on the floor and lays down
Lucy *looks at him he looks so good Lucy snap out of it your helping him I go to walk out the bedroom
Tim *grabs her hand
Lucy *looks at him
Tim : stay for tonight
Lucy *sits on the edge of the bed
Tim : please * I look at her
Lucy : I ok
Tim *looks at her I grab her cheek and kisses her lips
Lucy *kisses back
Tim *pulls away and lays down and shuts his eyes
Lucy * I was shocked I lay down on the other side of the bed Tim kissed me Tim Bradford kissed me why can't I stop thinking about him
Tim *wraps his arm around her
Lucy *looks at him and smiles

* they both eventually fell asleep

* will Tim remember what happened

* find out next chapter

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