1-Midland - Arriving at the Destination

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They both met other warriors on their travels, mainly their healer and most trusted companion. One of them was Almachu, often referred to as Al. She wasn't the strongest person, though she countered that with her strong demeanor and powerful healing magic. The other being Fallen, that as an alias, though they never found out his actual name. He was a strong individual who could easily hold his own in a fight. They were both like each other, blighted
energy streamed through their veins.

Others joined them at a later date, that being Adnam and Nina, both of them rather strong though stupid. They all moved together from town to town, keeping to themselves, though Nomeid had to occasionally make sure Moejo didn't walk off and cause any trouble. 'Stay in the tent with the others' she'd often say that to him, she normally left with Fallen whenever they needed items from shops for everyone. 'You're there to protect the others' she would also say to him. He didn't quite believe Nomeid when she'd say that, the others were strong enough to hold their own in a fight, so why would she say that? Almachu would normally stay with him when Nomeid and Fallen had left for the item run. She wore a suit of large iron armour, which was smart in Nomeid's eyes. They arrived at a large kingdom, Midland was it's name.

Food stalls covered the streets, housing planted across either side of the road. The plan was to get some rest, food, new equipment and armour from the multitude of shops in the area. Moejo and Nomeid had this little trick they could do, which was stealing food through Nomeid's passage of shadows so no one had known who had taken them and their stomachs would be filled (I will make a page dedicated to their powers if wanted).

Obviously, they took enough for everyone else, it was a bigger group than what was intended so it was riskier in this large place. They normally didn't get caught, so this time was the same as others, they got away with it. They came across a small building, the foundation covered in rotted wood, stone particles spouted from the crevices in the roof. The door was made of thick oak, moist moss spewing out of the rusty door knob. Nomeid looked down at the door knob, scrunching up her face, pulling a small laced handkerchief out of her pocket. She wrapped it around her hand, gripping onto it tightly, twisting it to the side, opening it to reveal the inside of the building.

It's name was the Elemir. The flooring was different than the outer casing, red silk carpets sprouted through the reception, a small desk made of carved wood in a corner. A tall man stood behind it, his clothes were ironed down, a tight black suit wrapped around his strong figure, his muscles barely being held back by the blazer he wore. Small glasses sat on the edge of his nose, beady black eyes stared down at a small book. The group walked in, looking around in awe at the inside that looked so much different than the outside. Nomeid walked towards the man and tapped on his desk with two knuckles, her face contorting into a smile, though not a good facade for a demon.

"You're not meant to be here, scum have a place of their own"

His voice was scratchy yet also surprisingly high, a hint of anger held steady. Nomeid stared at him, her smile wavering, her eyes however could pierce straight through him if she wished them to.

"A room please." - No

"Why would I give you that?" - Man

She cursed loudly in a demonic speech, her voice roughening, red veins crackling open on her skin. Fallen laid a hand on her shoulder, whispering calming words into her ear. The veins slowly went back in, she turned back to the man.

"Please may we have a room, we need a place to stay and rest" - No

"Do you have the money for it?" - Man

He raised an eyebrow while he asked the question, his eyes staring over his small spectacles. She plunged a hand into her pocket, taking hold of a small bag of gold, dropping it on the desk with a clunking noise. The man looked down at the bag, chuckling to himself while picking the bag up and opening it onto a plate nearest to him. At least 150 coins laid on the plate, just enough for one night, he breathed in heavily, sighing afterwards.

"You have enough for a single night. After that, you get out" - Man

"Good enough, the key?" - No

The man turned to a vast wall of keys, many blank, though as he brushed through them, numbers appeared on them. His fingers went to the last key on the wall, a key numbered '56'. He held it out to Nomeid, who just threw it back to Almachu who already had a hand up to catch it immediately. This happened every single time they stopped at a rest point, Nomeid just left it up to her to sort the room out, leaving for a bit with Fallen.

After Nomeid and Fallen had left, the rest walked towards a small door that widened as they got closer. Almachu opened the door to find stairs that spiralled upwards, it almost looked as if they went up infinitely. They walked up many flights of stairs before coming to room 56, the door obviously hadn't been taken care of, small chunks of wood had been taken out of it. She pushed it open, the room surprisingly eloquent inside, contrasting to the door. Black carpet covered the room, the walls made of dark oak, small beds covered the walls. They slumped their bags against one of the beds, Moejo laying on the ground, kicking his feet up into the air.


989 words!!

Writer's note:

This is hopefully good enough and descriptive enough, a lot better than my past work by eons.

Yours truly,

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