"My human Goddess stands before me and gives me a little taste of the light. Come with me where darkness ascends, and let me show you my world. Touch, taste, and see my memories through your own eyes. Feel what I feel, know what I know, taste, and become me as I become you."

Aelia feels something inside her- a dangerous desire she has never felt before. Darkness slithers through her veins, setting her entire body on fire. Her blood pounds and her breath quickens as a rush of never-felt sensations consume her mind. She finds it completely impossible to concentrate or to regain control of herself. Her eyes meet her dream man's eyes, and her obvious distress amuses him. She bites her bottom lip so hard that her teeth cut into the flesh, and the taste of copper and salt fills her mouth. She closes her eyes tight, fighting like hell to turn her mixed emotions into anger. When Aelia reopens them, he has shape-shifted into another she once knew as a child, one forgotten.

Ever since Aelia was a little girl, she had an imaginary friend who would visit her in her sleep. His appearance and age over the years had changed following her own. He was always stunning and gorgeous with an undeniable charm; whenever he came to her, he always reminded her who and what she was to him. He had told her she belonged to him, at his side for years.

"Who are you? What are you," Aelia rasps in disbelief. His only answer is a deliciously dark laughter that chills her spine. Without thinking it through again, she bites into the flesh of her lips so hard that her teeth nearly connect. A fire fills his eyes as if her actions have angered him somehow.

"Are you so anxious to see blood!" he asks.

"As you are to drink it," Aelia hisses, unsure where her reply came from, for it did not sound like her.

"How did you take the form of my imaginary friend? I mean, how do you even know of him," she stammers.

"Dreams are my specialty- through dreams, I influence all mankind. I know of your dreams, Aelia, as I know of all mankind's dreams. My dream is of eternity with you, so I give you my heart, my blood, my love... his voice trails off at her sharp intake of breath.

"I think you are one of my most precious souls. You amuse me the best. He finishes in a cocky-like tone.

His words triggered something within her, and Aelia could suddenly see what he saw as if they were linked. She can see what he sees in her: a very strong-willed woman, an amazingly gorgeous person that people fall in love with very easily. A woman who could feel and see the deepest parts of every creature became a great manipulator because of her beauty and charm. Aelia did not like what she was seeing and wanted to break this strange new sense of hers, but he smiled at her like he was enjoying her discomfort.

"What is so funny," Aelia shouts.

"Aelia, you are an intelligent woman, so I will be honest with you. I would not dream of harming you in any way. I would not dream of trying to trick you with anything as trivial as seduction. I have an uncontrollable appetite in every department, especially concerning you. I want you. I was hoping you could use me to release your inner passion, your pain. I can take it. I want it. Fill me up, for I swear I can make all your dreams a reality. I laugh because you doubt your sanity, and you doubt me. He replies dryly.

His answer leaves Aelia utterly speechless for what seems like an eternity, and she tells herself silently to get a grip. She turns and tries to escape this impossible creature and this insane dream. His fierce growl stops her in her tracks, and the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She stopped trying to escape, now standing there like a stone statue, her back to him as she felt him getting closer to her.

Lucifer finally loses control, growing with the want to touch Aelia, his Eve reincarnated in the most intimate ways.

"You have a great passion in you, Aelia. Let it out!" he demands, using every ounce of his power to tap into her innermost desires and lust. When he first felt her presence, it almost gave him hope. The enticing aroma of the living world came with her, everything he had lost from God's grace during his fall. Lucifer inhales Aelia's scent until he feels drunk on her essence. He vows he will never let her escape him again- no, not ever again. With enormous effort of will, he does not crash through the barrier between dream and reality to seize her. Lucifer forces himself to wait until he can more carefully control the beast within himself. His needs are too raw- too brutal, and he knows he must capture her gently, seduce her, and return her to the destiny she thought she had escaped eons ago.

Something inside Aelia snaps at her dream man's reply until she loses all control. She finds that she is practically devouring him.

"Who are you," Aelia asks again. "Who are you really?" she whispers breathlessly between kisses.

"Whoever you want me to be," Lucifer whispers back as he ravishes Aelia's mouth, sucking the very breath from her lungs and replacing it with his own, and it is as if she has known him a thousand lifetimes before. Aelia burrows her face in his warm throat, hugging him tightly against the innocent press of her lips. She felt the vibration of his strong heartbeat; the steady, sure rhythm seemed familiar as if it was her own and comforted her in a way no words ever could. She can feel herself falling into her passion, tumbling into the delicious depths of this mysterious dream. He riveted her his body so aggressively hard as his hand went to her back, his fingers brushing against her cool, creamy flesh.

Aelia's heart jumps, her breath falters- such exquisite torment as his mouth devours hers- his kiss magical, reverent, a slow seduction. She is near begging for him to take her when she feels a sudden warning sound go off deep inside her soul. She is now very aware of the dangers she is putting herself in, even if she is unsure why or what he truly is. There is a wildness to him that would never be controlled, and she knows she has made a grievous mistake because she is no match against him with his size and obvious strength. She is fully aware that he could consume her with his ravenous appetite. She tries to stop, but it is too late. 

It All Started with an Apple.  Subtitled: Lucifer's forbidden fruitWhere stories live. Discover now