Chapter 6: Journey To The Center Of Myra's Mind

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I slithered my way around, making my way past many alien outlaws who were drinking at the bar, indulging on weird alien food, chatting, or playing games. I looked around until I spotted my brothers and the Professor from afar, keeping an eye out for them while also remaining hidden in the background.

"I brought the agreed upon fee of fifty thousand Zemulaks. Did you bring the information?" Fugitoid asked the one eyed alien as he handed over a briefcase.

"Of course, I'm no rookie, robobrain. This'll do for a down payment. Another fifty thousand and, uh, y'all got yourself a deal!" He smirked wickedly. I was already starting to hate this guy.

"What? But you said- this is all I have! It's my life savings!" Fugitoid stated angrily.

"See you when you get the other fifty, losers!" He laughed and made his escape, but before he could leave, I quickly jumped out from where I was hidden in the crowd, stopping him in his tracks as I hissed, baring my sharp fangs at him. "Who is you, snake girl?"

"Sssomeone who doesssn't place nice!" I hissed out.

"Myra?!" I heard the guys call out my name but I was too busy to acknowledge them to make sure this guy didn't get away.

"Return the casssh now, wanted freak! Or I'll inject you with enough venom to kill you in sssecondsss!" I threatened.

"We'll see about that!" He pulled out a laser gun and began to shoot at me, but I quickly dodged every time, stealthily slithering out of the way and jumping up, landing a hit on him with my tail.

The alien customers, despite being outlaws, ran away in fear and left the place. Some outlaws they are.

"Cheap shot, missy!" He aimed another shot at me but Raph quickly jumped in front of me and blocked it.

"Myra! What are you doing here?! You could get hurt!" He warned.

"Sssave it!" I hissed and used my tail to grab hold of his personal blaster, immediately shooting back at the alien.

The others surrounded and cornered him, blasting at him as well until I shot the gun out of his hand and the briefcase that went dropping to the ground before aiming a final blast at him, knocking him down.

I handed Raph his gun back before slithering up to the defeated alien, morphing back into myself.

"What the-" He cut off, shocked to see I was not an actually an alien.

"You messed up big time tryin' to pull that stupid stunt!" I shouted.

"Just make good on the deal and we'll forget this happened!" Raph demanded.

"Forget it, the deal's off! You're liars, thieves-"

"What? You stole from us!" Donnie glared as he retrieved the briefcase.

"We're wasting our time with this loser. Let's go!" Leo ordered before turning to me. "And you. That was very stupid. Never do something like that again." He said. But he sounded more worried than angry.

I just sighed and nodded my head before looking back at the alien. "Try something like that again and I promise to make your life end very swiftly." I threatened before turning around and following after my brothers. "We have bigger issues to deal with besides you. And you will never know."

I created a force field around us all, taking us back into the ship where April and Casey were pacing around nervously until we all walked inside.

"Myra! Where did you go?! Wait... you followed them, didn't you?" April glared at me.

I just smiled sheepishly while shrugging my shoulders.

"Myrina. I get you wanted to help. But that was something that I would've done. Don't ever pull a stunt like that again." Raph said to me sternly.

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