"Hem Hem. Are you suggesting that the boy in question may be lying? Mr Lockhart is a very famous author. Accusing him without presenting the main source of evidence is rather convenient, is it not? Especially considering how much publicity Mr Potter would get just to bring the man here" said Umbridge smiling sweetly at Harry.

"I would advise you to refer to Lord Potter by his official title, Madam Umbridge" said the Chief Witch. "He may not sit on the Wizengamot yet, but he is still a member. You will show the respect a member of this body deserves" she said severely.

"Chief Witch, if I may?" said Augusta Longbottom.

Harry saw Lady Acton's mouth twitch into a small smirk, but she replaced it very quickly, others not noticing it. Harry understood the reason why; Augusta Longbottom was a fierce witch, known for her forceful speeches in the Wizengamot and was a power to be reckoned with, much like Charlus Potter had been when he was alive. Neville had told him that she was overbearing and a hard-ass, but was fiercely protective of her family. She had cursed her brother into next week and back and cut off all contact with him for two years when the man had dropped Neville from the third floor of the manor. But Neville had confided in Harry that his grandmother had changed her attitude once she saw that her grandson was indeed talented in magic after gaining a new wand. She had apologised to Neville and had even got him several exotic plants for his greenhouse for his birthday.

"The chair recognises Dowager Augusta Longbottom, Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom" said the Chief Witch.

"We are here to preside over the trial of Gildeory Lockhart because he has been accused of sexual assault and being a paedophile" said Lady Longbottom. "And if we are to understand Dolores Umbridge's words correctly, she is being the same and making us paedophiles as well by making this body watch the memory of a man sexually assault two naked boys. Is that what you cared to imply Madam Umbridge?" she asked in a lofty voice.

"How dare you!" said Umbridge, her face turning red. "I only want to view - " she said but was cut off by Sirius.

"If you are so hell bent on watching that memory Madam Umbridge, then I'll be happy to oblige by giving you the memory as well declaring a blood feud on you and your family" said Sirius in a calm voice. He knew there was nothing more to be said. The reputation of his family would see to that. "Are you willing to accept a blood feud declared by House Black against you, Madam Umbridge?"

People started murmuring and noise grew in the chamber. Umbridge went white as a sheet when she head Sirius's statement. Blood Feud was very serious business indeed, and hadn't been witnessed for almost two hundred years. It showed the Wizengamot just how far Sirius was willing to go to protect his godson. Harry was touched, and his eyes got a bit misty, but he reinforced his mental shields and the emotionless mask was back in place.

"Order!" said the Chief Witch as she banged her gravel on the desk. The hall quietened down. "That won't be necessary Lord Black. The proposal to view the victim's memory is denied. All those in favour of questioning the accused under Veritaserum?" she asked.

The majority of the members lit their wands and the motion passed. Amelia nodded to an Unspeakable stationed there and the woman came forward and administered three drops of the serum down the man's throat.

"What is your name?" asked Amelia.

"Gilderoy Lockhart" he answered in a monotone.

"In which house were you sorted into when you were at Hogwarts?"

"Ravenclaw" he replied.

Amelia looked at the Chief Witch, who nodded.

"Describe the events that took place on Saturday night involving Cedric Diggory and Hadrian Potter."

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