Ch.2: Errand Boys and Girl

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Later that night, Y/n was awoken by the sound of a muffled voice. The voice suddenly turned into a raspy scream, causing Y/n to jump from the bed and rush out of the room. As he exited, he saw Cloud standing with his sword raised over his head. "CLOUD! STOP!" Shouted Tifa. "Get back inside!" Cloud responded. A cloaked man laid on the ground before Cloud and grasped his foot. "Get off me!" He swung his sword down, but Y/n matetialized a sword of his own, Hardedge, and was able to block the strike.

 "Get off me!" He swung his sword down, but Y/n matetialized a sword of his own, Hardedge, and was able to block the strike

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The two blades clashed and rang. Y/n pushed Cloud's sword off his, which caused Cloud to come to his senses. He gasped as Tifa walked over to the weak man. "What are you doing to Marco?" Questioned Tifa. "This is his apartment. He's got a few problems, but he's not a bad guy. The landlady asked me to check on him now and then to make sure he's okay. Can I ask you to do the same?" "...Sure." Without another word, Cloud returned back to his room.

"Can you help me get him to bed, Y/n?" "Sure." The two helped Marco to his feet and brought him back to his room. "Thank you." He said in a raspy voice. "Of course Marco. Goodnight."

Tifa and Y/n exited the room. Tifa gave a big sigh. "What's up with Cloud?" Y/n asked. "A lot has happened to him since you've been gone Y/n." "Such as?" "I'm not entirely sure, but I want to know too. Only when he's ready to open up." "Can't argue with that I guess." "Thank you for that save. Well, we should be heading back to bed." "Right."

The sun has risen on a new day. As Y/n exited his room, Cloud had exited his at the same time. "Morning, Cloud." Y/n greeted, but was met with a cold shoulder. Y/n shook his head and walked over to Cloud, pulling his shoulder to get his attention. "Can you talk to me, man? I haven't seen you in a decade and this is how you act." "Where have you been?" He asked sternly. "Living my life with my family. First chance I got to be on my own and I came straight to Midgar to see my best friends." "A lot's changed since then." "Yeah. You're even more broody then usual." "We can't just pretend like things are the same as they were back then." "I'm not saying they are, just that I'd like to think that my friend is just as excited to see me as I am to see him." Cloud remained silent. "I know things are different now, but we were like brothers back then, Cloud. I'd like to think that we still are." Y/n extended his hand for a shake. Cloud looked at his hand before taking it and shaking it.

"Well, now, you must be Cloud and Y/n." Said an elderly woman as the two stepped down the stairs. "That's right ma'am." Responded Y/n while Cloud just sighed. "I'm Marle, your landlady. So, how'd you like the place? You from up on high." "I've been around." Answered Cloud. "Sure was cozy though." Added Y/n. "I'll bet." She said to Y/n before turning to Cloud. "All kinds come through with all kinds of reasons. If you ever need an ear to bend, I'll lend you mine. Can be about anything. Even Tifa." "What's she to you?" Cloud inquired. "The granddaughter I never had. And if you hurt her, either of you, ull take it out if your hide. You hear me?" "Yes ma'am." Answered Y/n. "Good! Now you'd best get a move on to Seventh Heaven. She's got a head start on you and then some." Cloud nodded and turned to leave. "Oh wait." Y/n turned to her before being tossed a key. "For the room." "Thank you."

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