ms.Z: could it be the manus vindictae?

...she pondered on the circumstances of the possibilities of an attack, that she has to do to put under wraps, she sighed that this is radically very different than the other missions that she sends out to field regarding about this "storm" that is why this whole institution has been made in the first place...where she scrambles out a team to get in there and expel the intruder from the hospital...

ms.Z: vertin, sonetto this is all up to you now!

...she acknowledged the fact that she is unable to help out directly, but this is the best that she could do in the time she has in ordering a strike force force if that creature could be able to get past the defenses of the st. pavlov, meant to keep external threats form coming in...putting her best hopes into the hands of the ones that she is putting her trust in them...

vertin pov:

after being notified by the one of the members of the executive committee, where there a blockade made to somewhat made to repel people from entering or to keep something in, it actually both is someone is curious about asking for any details about what is going a certain top hat wearing girl is followed by a ginger-haired girl in a dress, where they approached the building, which has been blocked by the armed men and women who are in masks and armor in pearly white...

  ???: oh miss timekeeper didn't expect you to be here...

...he lifted the barrier to let her and her assistant sonetto into the building, where some of them awaited her command, in the lobby of the hospital building ...

vertin: follow me...the intruder hasn't gotten far...

...they nodded, as some of them chose to follow them with their respective weapons to take with them into the building, but this isn't the last of their worries...

vertin: my god...

...she and all the others are now witnessing the eldritch layout of how the hospital which has been warped somehow, by something with whatever powers that is at it's disposal...

sonetto: timekeeper: what has happened in here?...

vertin: i...i do not's all too strange, i believe that this could possibly be the work of the manus vindictae...but i am not too sure about it... they would've been caught by now, by the guards...

 sonetto: that seems to be right...but ms.Z clearly stated that the witnesses said that it is some sort of critter that seems to be more intelligent and is employed...

vertin: that might as well be the case of that...alright all of you, let's go...

...they all walked past the doors that leads deeper into the hospital...

vertin: ok, we might as well leave some bread crumb, this might be a maze of sorts...we better find a way to resolve this before anything worse could happen...

...the team of heavily armed men and women who bravely marched into a maze of what is once the hospital that has tended to the people who have suffered severe wounds, or suvered though severe insanity and are in most desperate need of treatments so badly...

vertin it's as worse than is initially thought...i never experienced something like this would ever happen...all of you stay close, i cannot let any of you getting killed by this powerful critter...

...they passed a few halls, and this is where and when sonetto chose to break the silence...

sonetto: this critter that special, it could've used some sort of arcane power that we've never seen before...

reversal of the jade obsidian [Jujutsu kaisen X reverse 1999]Where stories live. Discover now