2 - Winner

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Friday, 24th of November, 11:09pm

It was almost ten past eleven o clock, I was still awake, scrolling through my phone. I hadn't found any sleep, seeing that we're gonna meet the new racer tomorrow. His name was Kim, I've heard. I hadn't dared to look him up, I wasn't sure what was stopping me but I just couldn't get myself to do it. I grunted as I turned from laying on my side to laying on my back. I continued to just scroll through social media on my phone. I was on instagram when it hit me: I could look up his name and see if I find his account. But when I went onto the search bar, I hesitated. I don't know why, I just did. Eventually, I got myself to search up his name and actually found an account. I clicked on it and looked through the posts. It was a lot about cars, but also some stuff from his hometown and some pics of himself. 'Damn. He doesn't even look bad' I thought, smirking to myself. It's been a while since another good looking guy had joined Red Racing. It's gonna be fun for now and I found myself looking forward to meeting him tomorrow - if I get out of bed in time that is. I kept on scrolling through his posts until eventually I fell asleep while doing so.

Saturday, 25th November, 8:00am

I was woken up by the pound, horrendous sound of my alarm. I opened my eyes tiredly and rubbed them while the deafening noise coming from my phone continued to go off. After a while of waiting for it to stop, seeing that I was to lazy to get up and make it stop myself, I got so annoyed I sat up, grabbed my phone and threw it across the room. I regretted this decision while doing it, luckily my phone landed on one of my armchairs, falling soft. But the noise? Oh it continued as loud and annoying as before. Being done with my life, I threw my head back and covered my eyes with my hands, letting out a loud groan. Finally, I motivated myself enough to get up and press the snooze button. Then, I tiredly walked to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once that was done, I went back to my room and got dressed. Being all finished up, it took me around five minutes to do my hair and put on my usual makeup - some powder. Then, finally being done, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. It was 8:47 now. I decided on some scrambled eggs and bacon. Of course, coffee too. Cooking was something other than racing I enjoy a lot, even tho I don't think anybody knows about it. Now thinking about it, I don't really have any friends. I have my team, sure, but they aren't really my friends. In front of them, my whole personality is just racing, nothing else. Oh, and fighting. As well as working out but it's related to racing since my body has to stay in good physical shape. After finishing to prepare the breakfast, I put all my stuff on a plate, grabbed my coffee mug and sat down at the dining table. Living here sometimes gets lonely. I often thought about getting a dog but eventually realized I wouldn't have time to take care of it. At all. And my romantic life? Besides having hookups every now and then, I don't have anything going on. All the people that I like either aren't looking for a serious relationship or aren't interested in men. But in the end, I also barely have time. I need to focus on racing if I ever plan to surpass Babe.

Saturday, 25th of November, 10:17am

I parked the car at the garage, slamming the door shut as I got out and put my hands into my pockets. It wouldn't be long from now until the new racer arrives. I looked around the garage, trying to find something to be dissatisfied with. Lamon, a junior racer from our team, came up to me.
"We've cleaned every car and the whole garage as well as the kitchen and the tools." He reported with a proud smile on his face. Lamon could read people easily so he must know that even tho I was searching desperately, I couldn't find anything to be unhappy about.
"Oh, so it finally clicked in your head and you guys are able to do like you're told now? Good to hear." I said with my usual attitude that would tell him and everyone else here that I'm not going to be nicer just because a new guy was coming. But Lamon only briefly stopped smiling, still being proud that he wasn't told he wasn't doing good enough. Doing how he was supposed to was better for him than doing a bad job, after all. Sometimes I admired the kid for being able to be so optimistic all the time. No matter what you tell him, how horrible he looks, how shitty he drives, he finds a way to turn it to something being good or at least enough. I took a look into the kitchen and the locker room as well but just like Lamon said, everything was clean. I told them to clean everything up since we don't wanna look bad on the first day of meeting him. It's almost time now. 10:29. One damn minute. I stared at my watch like it would make the time go by faster and just with the switch from 29 to 30, a voice echoed through the garage.
"Hey." It made me look up and it was actually him, right on time. His expression was unreadable, no matter how hard I'd try to find the emotion behind it, I'd fail. With my hands back in my pockets I took a few steps closer.
"Hey. It's Kim, correct?" I asked as if I wasn't sure even tho I was. I just didn't really know what to say. Kim nodded "It is." And then he looked at me with a sort of expecting expression. I understood quickly and started introducing the team.
"I'm Winner. This is Lamon, our junior racer, that's Por, our accountant, over there that's Tan, our mechanic and this is Cho, our trainer and the owner of the garage."
Kim responded with a nod and greeted everyone, still not giving away what he was feeling. It made me kinda intrigued, not getting a reaction out of him at all. Eventually, Cho decided to show him around and left me with the rest of the team. I placed myself next to Lamon, knowing that he has a talent to read people.
"Can you tell anything about his feelings? He looked emotionless like that." The question seemed to surprise Lamon, but I was sure he'd answer nonetheless. Lamon was a good guy but his whole worldview would collapse once he can do something that would make people proud or thankful. He looked at Kim for a few more seconds before answering.
"He's not used to it, the new environment. He doesn't trust easily and doesn't like giving things away about himself. So, figuring from that, he probably cares a lot about people he does trust." After such an informative answer, I turned to Lamon with surprise. How could he read all that from such a monotone voice and emotionless face?
"Thanks." I shortly answered, not wanting to be to rewarding, it'd be embarrassing. Lamon swung back and forth on his feet, he still looked so young. He was still a child, after all. He just graduated. Still, Lamon knew much more about people than I did. I left Lamon alone where he was to join Cho and Kim at the racetrack, the last place to show to the new racer. I walked towards them as I watched Kim observing the track, looking doubtful. I held any mean comments in, trying to take it easy in the first day, however I will not do that for long.
I'm sure I won't.


Soooo Kim and Winner finally met 🤭🤭🤭
Btw the characters Lamon, Por, Tan and Cho are all made up because there's no information about the names of the other members of red racing. So a small introduction!

Lamon is 22 years old and studied mechanical engineering. He is rather observant and can easily tell things about people just by looking at them for a few moments. Seeing that his parents never appreciated him in any way, he loves being told how good of a job he was doing or when he was thanked. But he was also very open and easygoing. He likes going out to parties to spend time with people, but would never go by himself. He would do anything to make other people proud besides betraying the ones he's close to. He considers people his friends far before they would but doesn't mind not being worth as much to the other person as they are to him.

Por is 25 years old, he studied business. He is the accountant of Red Racing (just like Way is from X-Hunter) but he also races sometimes. He enjoys it in general but doesn't like participating in races that much. He prefers to drive for himself and have more fun to it than pressure. Por is basically the opposite to Lamon, he is completely unaware of how a person is feeling and often hurts people's feelings without intending to. That's why he's so close with Lamon, Lamon can always tell that Por didn't intend to hurt him, so he isn't offended. Also, they do say opposites attract 🤭🤭(not me randomly deciding to ship background characters 😭)

Tan is 26 years old, he also studied mechanical engineering. He's a loner even tho he can talk to anyone but he never gets close to people. He, just like Winner, focuses only on racing and succeeding. He looks a lot older than he is, it's always been like that so he's had problems finding a lover his age, naturally.

Cho is 39 years old and the owner of the garage from Red Racing and trains all the racers. His biggest dream is it that before he dies, he gets to witness Winner beating Babe in a race. Of course, he's still not to old and shouldn't think about death but he hat least wants it to happen once in his lifetime. He doesn't have any hope in the other racers, Por, Tan and Lamon so he puts all of his hope and wish into Winner who at least manages to get onto the podium.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay hydrated and don't forget to eat!!!
Hope you have an amazing day/night :D

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