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I sit in my trailer for about 20 minutes before I come back out I had filming in about 3 hours and I had about 5 hours of filming. I changed into a different outfit because why not I had cute clothes here I never wore.

I walk over to Lizzie's trailer and I knock on the door we both had filming at the same time so I didn't need to worry about that. She opens the door Scarlett was there to we both also had filming at the same time so this was perfect. (That wasn't sarcastic)

"Hey Lizzie hey Scarlet did you wanna go shopping with me for a few hours? I wanted to decorate my trailer." I ask

They look at each other and they smile.

"We would love to" they both say in sync

I smile

"Ok wanna have one person ride on my motorcycle with me on the way there and another on the way back"

"Sure sounds good" Lizzie says as Scarlett nods

"Cool who's riding with me first? " I ask

They both look at each other having a silent war

Lizzie raises her hand.

"I'll go first"

"Cool let's go"

I walk out and I out my helmet on Lizzie comes over and I hand her the extra helmet.

Both of our helmets were black with a purple glow. Scarlett gets in her car and I let her go first she looks confused but we drive away. We get to the highway, I speed up a little passing Scarlett with ease. I see another biker tapping their helmet I slow down a little but not to much. The cop sees me but I was going with the flow of traffic so he doesn't pull me over. Once the cop is out of sight I speed up again I weave through cars with ease Lizzie's grip tightens on me. We get there soon, Lizzie takes her helmet off.

"I'm never riding with you again I swear to God you drive like a maniac" She says after she takes her helmet off.

"I used to be a racer makes sense" I say calmly

"You were" she asks

"Yeah then I found out I was good at acting so I switched" I say as I take my hair out of my ponytail.

"After filming do you want to show me there's a track near my house" Lizzie says thoughtfully.

"Yea sure sounds fun" I say

"Maybe you and Scarlett could stay the night" she says as Scarlett pulls up

"Sounds great what time after set" Scarlett says as she rolls down her window.

We all laugh and head inside. We head to the bathroom as the mirrors were perfect for taking pictures and filming. I film a video with both if then then just Lizzie then just Scarlett. Lizzie and Scarlett do the same for themselves and their own accounts. I post all the funny fails most of them are me talking or it's all laughing or a comment from a person not in the video but they were all hilarious. I post a picture of me standing on Lizzie's shoulders and in the mirror you could see Scarlett's horrified face and Lizzie had her eyes wide but was smiling widely. A fan comes up to us well to me and starts to talk

"Oh my god I'm like literally your biggest fan y/n I love all your work and the bloopers of you" the fan says excitedly

I smile sweetly "what's your name darling" I ask nicely

"My name is Brooke" she says

"Brooke is a beautiful name" I say

"Thank you --- do you think I could get a video with you? " Brooke asks

"Yea sure" I say

We film a video for tiktok and she goes in her way and me Scarlett and Lizzie go on our way. We head into Target (right after I wrote that a target truck drove by, I'm on my way to my soccer game and the ride is an hour so I did this to pass time)

"Y/n what's your favorite color we also need a theme and style" Scarlett says

"I like f/c" I say

"That works" Lizzie says

First we head to the blanket section and we get a throw blanket and another one with a different color on it. Then we get some seasonal blankets, I know it's a lot of blankets I know but we gotta stay warm. Then we get pillows normal and seasonal. Then we get some fairy lights and a lamp along with stationary paper and a lap desk with a pillow for the part that goes on your lap and some books well lots of books but you know. We head to the food section and we get some snacks for emergencies or you know when I get hungry.

"Your trailer will look so cute" Lizzie says happily

"Yes it will look so good" Scarlett says excitedly

"What can I say I have taste" I say sarcastically

Lizzie and Scarlett laugh lightly. We check out Lizzie puts the stuff in Scarlett's car while pep talking her in how to squeeze the air out of me not fall off and all that while they do this I see a flow stand I buy 4 bouquets I walk over to Lizzie and Scarlett I pull out two of them.

"Flowers? " I say as I bow a little time be funny

They both look shocked but they say yes I put the other two in Scarlett's car and I hand Scarlett the extra helmet.

"Ready? " I ask

"As ready as I'll ever be" Scarlett says and then she puts her helmet on

I chuckle and I put mine on. Lizzie pulls out then I do. We get on the highway and I speed up past her Scarlett's grip getting tighter. I weave between cars with ease I get back a few minutes before Lizzie in the car.

"Sup slow poke" I say and we walk inside with all the bags I have most of them though.

I see Florence and I call he over

"Hey y/n how are you" she asks

"Good how are you" I ask

"Good" she says

"Perfect, flowers? " I ask as I hold out the bouquet of flowers for her.

A/n: 1055 words, sad but what ever. I hope you have a good day or night and remember to hydrate also don't die please you are all wonderful I haven't met you but I already know you are

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