I see RED

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The two super soldiers did some cardio and a loud punching sound resonated the gym when they moved on to the punching bags, both not breaking a sweat, Steve suggested that they spar with each other but Emma was hesitant at first, she never spar while she is in her super soldier mode, she never had the time to the that, when she is activated, she goes out to accomplish a mission then back, but Emma did not have the heart to say 'No' to Captain America, so she went along with it, trying her best not to cause any trouble. The two super soldiers moved to the matted floor and started to round each other.

***10 minutes later***

"Come on Emma, don't hold back"

"I don't know Steve... can we just go for a run or go for the punching bags again" Emma replied, Steve could feel the rising sense of hesitation from the young agent.

"You've destroyed 2 bags in less than 15 minutes Emma and dont for a second think that I didnt notice you are going easy on me, I can take a punch" Steve said trying to reassure the girl.

"I know you can but I just don't want to hurt you Steve" Emma could not help but speak what she thinks.

"You won't" when the girl still hesitates, Steve continued "You know, I've been doing this for quite sometime now, been to too many wars, fought Aliens and Robots for god sake.. Trust me, I can take a punch" Trying to reassure the girl even more, Steve says it as sincerely as he can.

"Ok but we need to set some rules for now at least" Steve smiled

"Of course, so what are the rules?" Steve smiled, satisfied that the young agent has reservations but is willing to give it a try.

"If anyone bleeds we stop, a point for every take down. You tap out- I win, I tap out- you win... and of course No biting, No scratching etc.. Is that cool with you?"

"Don't tell me you can't handle a little nose bleed Emma? Why do we need to stop if anyone bleeds?" Steve interjected as he question the said rule

"I set that rule for you, I heal fast but I have no idea if you do too, accept the rule or we dont do this at all"

"I'm sure I can manage Emma, lets revise that, If anyone bleeds, we stop unless we'd like to continue, the rest is a go deal, shake on it?"

"I concur..." and so the super soldiers shook hands to agree..

The sparring started, both taking turns to gain points. Steve now aware how the young agent is very well trained in hand to hand combat with how she manages to dodge and dominate an attack and He is sure that she is still holding back despite the many opportunities that arises to take him down but the young agent simply let it pass.. At one point, Emma landed a punch on his jaw but Steve knows she didn't use her full force, it felt more like a swat but Steve lets it go that time but not too long later, it happened again..Emma is sure that Steve noticed it this time, so to mask her downplaying the game since the beginning, she pulled a move that surprised the Captain, in a blink Emma jump into the air, putting him down with scissor leg takedown around his neck.. she was stealthy and precise, a move Steve was sure he'd seen before, a move that is intended to cut off the air of the opponent if they were to hold the position. He was starting to feel the air running out when Emma releases him. He wondered why the young agent did that when she could have won if she just kept the hold a few more seconds, then he heard 3 foot steps coming in, either the girl got distracted or the girl didn't want to embarrass him in front of his teammates..

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