However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing

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Emma cannot wait to get into her room, she just needs to drop her strong facade and scream, she shut the door, crawled up in one corner and just let one out. It made her feel a little better but just for a second...She cant show that she is shaken especially to a superior like Coulson or most especially, Maria Hill. She cant get over the fact that her world is crumbling. Being stuck in the carrier, being around Maria, being hunted by Hydra for reasons she don't know and not able to do something about it. She let herself breakdown for a few seconds and snapped back out of it as she helped herself up, look into the mirror and wiped the tears off her face.. How can all this be happening? She thought to herself. Emma looked over the room and realized she has nothing to put away. She grabbed her dead phone, ID and her wallet. She hurried back to Maria's office and found the commander ready to go, she also noticed that Coulson was in there taking charge.

"Come on Agent Brown, Agent Morse is waiting for us..and Coulson, you know the drill" Maria said

Emma and Maria stepped in to the Quinjet and found Barbara and Hunter already there. Emma sat and buckled in as Maria walked to Barbara and whispered something before strapping herself in to her seat. Coordinates to the location they were heading to Emma guessed, and a few seconds later the Quinjet took off.

After 10minutes from take off, Maria un buckled her seat belt and walked towards Emma.

"Agent Brown, give me your phone" Maria ordered

Emma reached for her phone from her backpocket and gave it to Maria, Emma was startled when Maria drop her phone to the floor and crashed it with her boot.

"What the bloody hell, I needed that phone to call Unc....Director Fury?" Emma said immediately correcting herself

Maria handed her a new phone

"That one maybe tracked, use this one from now on, How do you have the Director's number?" Maria said as she handed a new phone to Emma

"Ahm, he gave it to me" Emma said while taking the new phone from Maria "that phone was dead and its agency issue by the way"

Maria did not dwell too much with what Emma said, she just handed Emma a small duffle bag.

"Change into this, you can't vanish with what you are wearing now.. These are my extra clothes, don't worry, I haven't worn them and I think, it will fit you just fine"

"Uhm, Thanks I guess. See, I've been wanting to tell you guys that I need to get my stuff, can we make a quick stop at one of my place? I have a few that are not listed, I made sure of it, not even Victoria knows about this safe houses" Emma muttered

"What is it with you and Hand?" Maria asked

"Oh! Victoria is Emma's mom.. You should have seen how Victoria acts around Agent Brown here"Bobbie said while she laughs at Emma, obviously teasing.

"She's not my mother Barbara! Well, Victoria is like,,, uhmm a big sister, and besides my mother is dead... she died when I was 10." Emma said defensively,

Emma realized that she said something personal but brushed it off by saying, "Happy now Barbara?" She never use that name to call Bobbie, only when she is annoyed by her.

The room went quiet, you can hear a needle drop against the roaring sound of the jet engine.. Good thing Hunter was there to break the silence.

"Hey kid, we haven't officially met, Im Hunter"

"Im Agent Brown, Nice to put a face to the name Agent Hunter" Emma replied

"Just call me Hunter kid, where did you say your flat is located? We can make a quickie if the Commander here allows it" Hunter said while waiting for Maria's approval

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