The Exam

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At Battle Centre C, Y/N stands in front of the main gates ready for the exam, other candidates stand around him but he stays focused on the task he has at hand.

He does a couple of stretches while waiting for the exam. He and the other candidates wait patiently as-

Present Mic: (over speaker): "Right, let's start!"

As soon as Y/N hears this his lightning whips appear in his hands and he throws them so that they wrap around two poles on either side of the main gate. He took a few steps back to build momentum and then he let go. Y/N is sent flying through the air and into the battle centre, he flies right over some of the buildings and lands in the middle of a street.

Around him, multiple one-point robots start to turn their attention towards him. Lightning covers his body and he rushes right at them, he forms a mace over his right hand and slams it into one robot and then another making short work of not just the first two but all the one-pointers around him.

Y/N lets out a sigh as he destroys the last one, he turns around and sees the other candidates finally making it to his position. He takes this as a sign to move on and rushes further down the road, taking out a couple of faux villains on his way.

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Y/N runs through the city as fast as he can fighting his way to the centre, he eventually makes it and is immediately confronted by a wave of different faux villains. Y/N slides through the legs of one and shoots lightning at the one behind it, the robot falls, defeated. Y/N forms a whip in his hand and wraps it around the defeated robot.

He firmly plants his feet and starts to spin around smashing it into the other villains that surround him. He finally releases the whip and sends the robot flying into the last remaining one.

Y/N: "Just like with Bearhead."

He looks around for a second and starts to count on his fingers.

Y/N: "Surely I'm at fifty by now... better keep going to be safe."

As Y/N starts to jog again the speaker in the Battle Centre springs to life with Present Mic's voice.

Present Mic: (over speaker): "Five minutes remain!"

Y/N takes this as an indication to run a little faster.

- - - - - -

A large rumbling is heard through the fake city. The zero pointer has arrived. The large faux villain stomps its way through the streets, it smashes debris off of buildings as it passes by.

Y/N stands on a street with the other candidates, all of them look up at the large villain as it slowly lumbers its way towards them. Most of the candidates start to run whereas some freeze in fear. Some smaller faux villains come out of alleyways ready to attack the distracted candidates.

Y/N rushes into action, lightning coats his body once more as he runs towards the first one. He jumps into the air and pushes his feet out towards one of the villains who is about to attack someone. His feet slam into the side of the robot causing it to fly backwards into the side of a building. The candidate grows a shocked look on her face as Y/N comes flying out of nowhere to her aid. The redheaded candidate goes to say thank you but as she is about to speak, Y/N rushes off again.

She watches as he forms a whip in his hand and uses it to pull a purple-haired candidate out of the way of an attack before slamming into the robot himself with his shoulder. Y/N jumps on top of the downed robot and presses the palm of his hands against its head before channelling his lightning through them. The lightning passes through the robot and causes it to short-circuit.


Y/N hears the loud noise and turns to see the zero-pointer growing closer to a girl who is stuck in between two different three-pointers and the building behind her. He runs towards a destroyed robot, he climbs on top and uses it to boost him up as he leaps into the air. His feet collide with the building about five feet above the girl and he pushes off, Y/N flies towards the ground. He lands in front of the girl in a superhero pose that causes lightning to protrude from the ground, the lightning collides with the robots and puts them out of commission right away.

Y/N turns to the girl with an awkward smile, as he does he notices something. Her earlobes. They are earphone jacks, just like the girl he had rescued a few years ago. The girl stares at him with wide eyes.


The noise is much closer than last time, the two of them look up to see the robot's arm right above them. Its arm crashed into the building next to them and knocked a piece of debris off of it. Y/N's arms move seemingly on their own as they raise above his head and brace for the weight of the debris. He knew he was strong but he had no idea if he was strong enough for such a huge piece of debris.

The girl crouches down and braces for impact... an impact that never comes. She slowly opens her eyes and looks up, what she sees shocks her. Y/N stands over her, the debris in his hands. He had caught it. Y/N lets out a grunt and looks down at her.

Y/N: (straining) "You might... want to move."

She did so right away and started to run over to the end of the road. She notices a bunch of other candidates all standing there looking up at the sky. She follows their eyes and sees a thunderstorm right above them. All of a sudden, lightning strikes. It flies down from the sky and hits the debris in Y/N's hand causing it to break.

Y/N looks up at the large robot with an annoyed look. He rolls his shoulders quickly and grabs a metal rebar that is sticking out of some concrete. He tears it out of the concrete and turns back to the large robot.

The candidates all watch as Y/N runs at the faux villain and creates a whip in his hand. He throws the whip out towards the robot's arm and pulls himself up towards it.

The girl with the earphone jacks stares in shock at him, she begins to recognise him. He looks different but the way he fights is the same and so is the whip that he uses. She remembers him, he is the boy that saved her in the convenience store.

Y/N climbs up onto the arm with the help of his whip and runs up it towards its head. The robot moves around trying to knock him off but Y/N manages to stay on. He uses a sudden jolt of the robot's arm to leap into the air and onto its head.

The boy takes a second to steady himself before looking up at the storm and seemingly forming a plan. Y/N jumps high into the sky and holds the rebar up, lightning crashes down towards him, the lightning hits the rebar and with the help of Y/N's quirk, the rebar begins to glow as bright as a bolt of lightning. While middair Y/N throws the rebar down into the robot's head. It plants firmly into it but doesn't manage to go the whole way through.

Down on the ground, everyone watches as Y/N begins to fall back towards the robot.

Candidate 1: "He's gonna die!"

Redhead: "Did you not see what he just did?! He'll think of something!"

As he is about to make contact with the robot he flips around and uses the heel of his foot to deliver an axe kick right onto the rebar. The rebar flies straight through the robot and causes it to power down for good.

Y/N manages to balance on the robot's head as he lands but with the robot now powered down it begins to fall. He holds on as the robot falls towards the ground and last second he dives off of it and begins to roll. He rolls along the floor quickly and violently before stopping right in front of the other candidates. Y/N lets out a cough and a dry chuckle.

Y/N: "Hi there."

A smile forms across his face as he looks up at everyone. A couple of them bend down and help Y/N to his feet.

He stands up with the support of the others and finds himself face-to-face with the earphone jack girl. He opens his mouth to speak but instead falls forward onto his face. Completely unconscious.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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