Chapter 2

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Commander: There's been reports of radiation leaks in the city of Shibuya.

2nd Agent: We want you guys to head out and investigate the area. Bring in as much info as possible. You're going to be split into groups and head to different parts of Shibuya. The first group is Jones and Reda. Here are the fake ID's you'll be using once you get there. The train leaves tomorrow at 5 sharp.

Commander: This is a top secret mission, do not expose yourselves and be careful. The place is crawling with superhumans and street gangs. Keep it low profile and no matter what do not engage in any enemy personal. Is that clear?!!

Yes Commander!!!

Commander: Dismissed!

There I was staring at my fake ID with a cringe expression on my face. What kind of name is Jeffy Goldberg. Talk about the worst name ever, to make matters worse is the person I'm paired up with. The problem is he doesn't stop talking and just charges head on without a plan, why the heck would the organisation pair me with him? Anyways its cool, let me head over to bed and rest up. Hustling down the corridor toward my room, all ready to get my sleep on and phase out my frustrations, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of something that made me hit my brakes. Through the small opening of the door of training room, there he was, the guy everyone is talking about. Over the past week I heard about this high ranked guy who was in the organisation too, word says he's the strongest here and that made me feel disturbed. Watching him jump 20 meters into the air and spinning his body like a spinning screw onto the ground made my eyes widen. The way his fists where in fast motion, the way he would use his special skill of generating heat onto his fists without taking any time and the way his every motion of strike was precise, all of that had me wondering if I was near being strong. I couldn't tear my eyes away. It was like watching poetry in motion, a whirlwind of strength and skill that left me breathless. For a moment, I forgot where I was, lost in his every motion. I snapped out of it with the thought that I too can get stronger and when I do, I'm gonna challenge him. Walking to my room the memories of what I had witnessed were still lingering in my head. Getting into bed I brushed it off and there I was, gone into my sleep mode.

(Several Hours Later)

Announcement: Train to Shibuya departs in two minutes.

Jones: (Running) Dang it Reda! did you really have to get us late.

Reda: I needed my beauty sleep man.

Jones: Well if we don't get on that train fast there's not gonna be any beauty sleep for you as long as I keep breathing, got it!

Reda: Chill we're still some blocks away from the train station.

Jones: The train is leaving in 2 minutes idiot! we won't make it in time.

Reda: Why don't we use our abilities to get there?!

Jones: We're not allowed to genius! We're supposed to keep our identities low key.

Reda: Then let's split up, we'll get there faster.

Jones: What!! Wait...

Honestly I can't believe this guy. I'll deal with him later, now I gotta get on that train before it leaves. Jumping over the small table of a woman selling weird items and jumping from pole light to pole light, making sure no one was seeing me. I was at the entrance of the train station and still Reda was nowhere to be seen. That's when I heard the train station announcement saying the train is now departing with the sound of doors closing and the speed train wheels humming. It was either do or die for me, I had to use my abilities if I was gonna get on that train. Leaving the train station entrance, I was heading towards the new tech bridge east of the train station, that's where all trains pass through before leaving Tokyo. The speed train was going to pass that bridge in twenty seconds from now and me reaching there normally was going to take several minutes. The odds were against me but hey, I had to shift that. Kneeling down and getting on an 'on your marks' position, I began to envision the route to the bridge. My eyes glowing blue and my feet electrified, I began running faster than a speeding bullet cutting the air space as time stopped. Dodging all obstacles, keeping a constant pace and making sure not to use all my alien energy I reached the bridge in five seconds tops. Staring at the speed train about to zoom under the bridge I knew what I had to do. Jumping over the bridge with the correct timing, I landed on the roof of the speed train with my hands holding tightly onto the metal spaces on the roof. The wind was brushing over my face with immense strength and I had to get in fast. Looking for way to get inside behind me was an opening. Letting go of the metal spaces on the roof my body began sliding backwards till I reached the opening and broke the thin glass that got me inside the luggage room of the train. I don't really know what I landed on but it must have been a bag with pillows or a feathery pet, Honestly that was non of my concern. Getting out of the luggage room and entering the passengers' first section there was Reda sipping on a cocktail.

Reda: Oh, hey there partner.

Jones: Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you.

Reda: Cause you wove me.

Jones: (Grabs Reda by the neck) Oh really now?!

Reda: (Chocking) So...Soww...Sowwyy.

Jones: (Lets go) Next time don't test me you good for nothing waste.

Reda: (Breathing Heavily) Talk about a bad sense of humor.

Jones: Still testing me?

Reda: No Sir!

Jones: How did you even get here?

Reda: I Just used my teleportation ability.

I kind of forgot about his ability, Reda was famous the first days for being able to teleport to different locations. He was hard to hunt down and it took time to get him to cooperate. I don't blame him though, he was abandoned by his family and was a lone wolf for so long, it makes sense. But what mostly hits me is the fact that he still smiles after all that happened, people react differently to things I guess. As I slouched into the seat of the speeding train, I couldn't help but glance out the window beside me. The world outside rushed by in a blur, like scenes from a movie I'd seen a thousand times before. But somehow, in the monotony of it all, I found a strange kind of comfort. The rhythmic clatter of the tracks beneath me matched the beat of my indifferent heart, and for once, I didn't mind the noise. It was almost... soothing. I leaned back, letting the darkness of the passing landscape seep into my thoughts. Surrounded by shadows and solitude, I felt a familiar sense of detachment settle over me, like a shroud of mist on a moonless night .Maybe it was the anonymity of the train, or perhaps it was the way the world outside seemed to blur into nothingness. Whatever it was, I found myself strangely at ease in the cold embrace of the carriage. With a half-hearted shrug, I turned my gaze back to the window, allowing the darkness of my thoughts to swallow me whole. For now, at least, I was content to drift along with the train, lost in the quiet chaos of my own mind.

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