Origin 1

70 9 3

The evening air was crisp and cool, and the stars shone brightly in the dark sky. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the lights of the city twinkled in the distance. On the balcony there I was contemplating if I should jus leave Tokyo and go back to America or jus drop outta college and start a small business in the streets of Tokyo. As usual I kept sipping on my evening latte like a detective on his break time still trying to figure out a crime scene.
Sweet and hot with a chocolate cream on top , exactly how I like it.
For me,spending  the last hours of the day like this was just perfect.
Till my peace was suddenly disturbed by the sounds of quarrelling men from the floors below.
I thought this was normal cause of the number of thugs and drug dealers that lived on the floors below.
"Surely I must be the only sane one here",I thought to myself while taking another sip of latte.
It was at that moment my instinct to sense danger triggered. I couldn't tell why at first but I knew something was definitely wrong .
Suddenly the air felt dense with a  strong bitter scent flowing through my nostrils. It was a gas leakage! A sound of hissing gas was coming from the ground floor.  I couldn't control my breathing ,it felt  like my lungs were going to explode. Every second was excruciating.

Trying to figure out what was going on was the least of my problems . I had to get to my phone and act fast. My vision was blurry but my mind knew where it was heading. I grabbed the phone and staggered all the way down the stairs.
The scent of gas was getting stronger and I knew if I didn't get outta here this whole place would blow to smithereens with me in it.
The minutes felt like hours while  trying to locate the exit of the apartment.
My legs felt numb and weak but I couldn't give up and let myself die .
There it was!
The entrance was in front of me and I had to use all the strength I had left . Holding my breath and dashing out the exit door with all the strength I had left,I was outside.
Turning to look at where I had crawled, the whole building exploded with me meters away from it.
My body was in midair and time began to slow down. I began to think about how my life could have been better off if I had stayed in America but that was too late now.
Everything went dark

10 hours later ~~~~~~~~


Jones: Am I dead ?

Voice: Maybe.

Jones: I remember the explosion after that I jus can't remember anything

Voice : Someone was sent to murder you. The rest of the people are just casualties but the main target was you

Jones: Why would anyone want to kill me

Voice: Ever heard of the term superhuman abilities

Jones: Yeah like in comics and sci fi's

Voice : Yeah but there's a bit of an exception on your part

Jones: What're you talking about, I can't even understand anything you're saying

Voice: You will over time. My time is up I'll talk to you later

Jones: Wait where am I and who are you!

Voice: You're in the hospital and everything will be revealed over time

Jones: Wait!! ,don't screw with me .. explain!!

Doctor : Nurse we're losing him!!!

Nurse : Shock one ready !

Doctor : 3,2,1...                             


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