Chapter 2 - Awakening

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I opened my eyes.

- You know you're my best friend?

- I know, but... I hesitated.

- And you know I would never hurt you?

Why is she asking me this? Wait...

I looked at her lips. I knew what was coming. Her hand was placed on my chest.

She's going to push me!!

I took a step back. In vain. She immediately came after me and pushed me violently.

The same fall, the same thud, the same light.

I opened my eyes. Anna was saying something, I don't know what. I felt my whole body pulsating in rhythm with my heartbeat...

War drums.

She put her hand on my chest, opened her mouth to say something, and before the first word came out, I blinked and disappeared.

Somewhere in the distance, a cell phone was ringing. My phone. I took a step, slipped, and almost fell. I was naked... in the shower... at home...

What the hell!!!

The phone kept ringing. I quickly grabbed the towel, wiped myself hurriedly, and ran to the phone. When I put my hand on it, it stopped. Fingerprint. Unlocked. A missed call, Anna. 18:18 .

I remembered this call. The symmetry of the hours and minutes, 18 and 18, had stuck in my mind. Somewhere, as if in another life, when I got out of the shower, I found a missed call from Anna at 18:18 and a message. With the thought, my phone vibrated. A message from Anna. I knew exactly what it said.

I put the phone gently on the desk and sat on the bed. My hands were trembling, and I couldn't form a coherent thought.

I pinched myself hard, hoping maybe I was dreaming and could wake up that way. I pinched until blood came out, which wasn't easy considering I have bitten nails. That panicked me even more.

I'm not dreaming! So how do I know all this? And why does Anna want to kill me?!?

I looked at the phone. I knew the exact content of the message.

"I'm coming to pick you up at 10:00. We'll see the city from above under the full moon. You'll like it."

We had been out together a few times before, a Starbucks, a Bershka, a concert. Each time very friendly, just smiles.

Until today... in the future, when she tries to kill me.

And as far as I remembered, she would succeed.

Thinking about the future in the past tense gave me a headache.

I took the phone. Fingerprint. Unlocked. Quick dial 2.

- What's up, girl? Misha said in the calm tone of someone who has no worries in the world.

- Anna...

- What did she do now?

- Anna...

How do I tell her?

- Are you okay? Misha suddenly asked, changing her tone. I felt her smile disappear.

- Anna tried to kill me.

- Whaat? When? How?

- Today. Twice... or just once... I'm not sure. And then in a whisper, barely audible because I couldn't believe it myself, I added:

- In the future...

- What are you saying there?

- She threw me, I murmured, seeing Anna's hand on my chest, off the building.

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