꒰ ☕️ ꒱ - # ENTRY ONE ˎˊ˗

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Akaashi Keiji, when will you realize how pretty you are? Words cannot describe how ethereal your whole being is. From the way your hair perfectly frames your face, to your swirling midnight-blue irises that I could stare at for days, to your supple skin that's warm to the touch.

You say that my paintings are beautiful, well it's because you are my muse. "You make me look so good"  is what you'd always tell me. My darling, why won't you believe me when I say "you are good looking."

But there's one thing that I cannot seem to justify whenever I try to draw it; no expensive art material nor professional craftsman could recreate its glory. It's what I'd like to perfect.

I wish I could paint our love.



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COFFEE, akaashi keiji x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant