Log 2

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During homeroom, Raque and Skye, along with their class, were greeted to a new student, Caleb. Raque immediately recognized him as the Conduit he helped out the day before.

"What are the odds?" Raque asked. "I mean, I could tell he was a teenager, but I didn't think that he was new to the city."

"We need to discuss this later," Skye said. "With the DUP here, we have to be careful."

After homeroom Raque and Caleb bumped into each other as they were exiting class.

"My bad," Caleb said.

"You good," Raque extended his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Raque, by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Caleb accepted the handshake.

"Where you move from?"

"New Marais. Mom got a new job in Seattle that pays three times more than her last one. We didn't know anything about the Department of Unified Protection at all until yesterday."

"You don't say. Well, they're here to protect us from 'bio-terrorists.' Long story short, they're people with superpowers. The government think they're a threat to society."

"Why would they think that? Having superpowers is every nerd's dream."

"People fear bio-terrorists. All we know is that they're bad people using superpowers, and the DUP's job is to protect us from them. There have been rumors of a superhero in white helping the people, though."

Caleb looked down, remembering the events of the day before.

"You okay," Raque asked.

"Yeah, just... thinking," Caleb answered.

"Wanna eat with my friend and I during lunch?"

"Sure. I'm game."

"Great, I'll let her know. We'll talk later."

During lunch, Raque spotted Skye at their normal table typing away at her computer.

"You look focused," he said.

"That's because I'm tryna download the info from the hard drive we found earlier," Skye replied.

"I think we shouldn't try to crack it open in an open space like the cafeteria."

"True. Plus, those two DUP officers could be anywhere. Do you wanna go talk about the whole Caleb situation?"

"I only been here for a few hours, and I'm already in a situation?" Caleb asked as he approached.

"I forgot you texted me about him eating with us."

"But I think we should include him," Raque said. "The conversation does include him, and... I think he needs to know the truth."

"What are you talking about?" Caleb looked confused.

"Follow us."

Caleb followed Raque and Skye to an abandoned classroom in the basement of the school. Inside the classroom were old desks, a giant white board, an old teacher's desk, and a bookshelf. Skye pulled a book from the shelf, and the entire room became technological. The desks were replaced with weapon display tables, the white board turned into an interactive touch screen, and the teacher's desk was replaced with a technological desk. The only thing that remained the same was the bookshelf.

"What's all this?" Caleb asked.

"This is a miniature version of our secret base," Skye answered. "I like to call it the School Base. Our main location is hidden in the Downtown District."

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