ابدأ من البداية

My old bedroom.

I barely have a moment to take it in before Damon shoves me down roughly on the bed, snapping a metal collar around my neck.

“That should hold you nice and snug until you’re ready to marry me.” I try to get away from him, but it’s no use. His slimy fingers work my hair back to its normal red hair. “There you go. I like you better like this.”

“Don’t touch me, you sick fuck.”

Damon chuckles, running a finger over the color at my neck.

“You’ll learn to behave for me. One way or another.”

“You deserve a slow, painful death.”

“Good. I’m glad you’ll have something to fantasize about in our bed. As for me, I’ll be getting hard over all the power you’ll bring me.” He leans in close, with his foul breath and dead eyes. “Power the likes of which no one has ever seen.” Damon gives me a kiss on the cheek and exits the room, locking the door behind him.

All my life, I’ve always wanted to fit in. To know about my life. But never in my life did I ever imagine that in a span of three weeks, I’d come from a penniless nobody to someone everyone wants or rather wants my power. I can’t even imagine what Damon will do with it but I sure as hell don’t want to find out.

I give the collar as strong a pull as I can but it doesn’t budge. It’s connected to a chain on the wall.

My eyes then wander around the room until I spot an old photograph, still framed and leaning against the mantel. It’s a family picture, back before everything fell apart. Back before I’d realized the truth. I make my way over to it, walking as far as the chain around my neck will allow. I then gingerly pick it up, looking down at my young smiling face, and the two beaming parents next to me. Looking at me now, I’d never know…

The door opens behind me revealing my father.

“Do you remember the day we took that photo?”

“I wish I didn’t remember it at all because I have no interest in our shared past. That would make this all easy… back then I thought we were a happy family.”

“Who’s to say we weren’t?” Raphael strides over to you plucking the photograph from my hands. “I missed you terribly, you know.”

“You tried to have me killed. Some dad you are.”

“Not out of choice. Out of necessity.” His voice softens, almost taking on a tender note as he looks over the photograph once more. “You were such a weak child. So very much like your mother in that way. I’m glad I finally found a use for you. Beyond simply taking your life.”

“I’ll find a way to stop you, Raphael. Just wait.”

“Must we fight like this, Arabella?” Raphael sighs with mock sincerity, placing the photograph back on the mantel. “How much punishment is it going to take before the lesson has been drilled in? You’ve lost. You’ll be marrying Damon at dawn. All the preparations are in place.”

“You can't make me do that.”

“Oh, but I can and you will, and to solidify your new bond with Damon…” He turns to me, the true evil revealed in his half-shadowed face. “We will kill Caden at the altar.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Oh, but I can. And I want to. You will come to thank me, in the end.” He leans in, practically whispering “Come tomorrow, we’ll be rid of your little destruction.” He smirks, gliding over to the door. “Now, get some rest. You’ll want to look fresh for your big day tomorrow.” With that, he strides out of the room. I kneel on the floor defenseless.

CLAIMED BY THE ALPHA حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن