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୨⎯ Chapter 23⎯୧
"Oath of the Dead"

୨⎯ Chapter 23⎯୧"Oath of the Dead"

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SUDDENLY OUR SHARED moment is shattered by the sound of voices outside—Gimli's unmistakable grumble, Khellan's urgent tone, and Aine's concerned murmur.

Legolas and I exchange a startled glance, our intimate moment interrupted by the unexpected intrusion. With a shared sense of urgency, we quickly straighten ourselves. Before we can even gather our thoughts, the tent flap is thrown open, revealing Gimli, Khellan, and Aine standing before us, their expressions grave and anxious.

"Liairse, Legolas," Gimli begins, his voice heavy with concern. "We've just come from Aragorn's tent. It seems he's planning to leave."

A wave of apprehension washes over me at Gimli's words, my heart quickening with worry.

"Leave?" Legolas echoes, his brows furrowing in concern. "Where would he go?"

Khellan steps forward, his expression troubled. "We're not sure," he admits. "But we overheard him talking about the Dimholt road."

My eyes widen with alarm as I spoke up. "He wouldn't go alone, would he?"

Together, we quickly gather our belongings, readying ourselves, not prepared to let Aragorn go on this journey alone.


"Just where do you think you're off to?" the Gimli questions, his tone filled with concern.

Turning to face him, I saw Aragorn's expression is resolute. "Not this time. This time you must stay, Gimli," he replies, his voice firm with conviction.

Before Aragorn can protest further, Legolas and I emerged with our horse, "have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of dwarves?" I stated, a hint of amusement in my voice.

Not even a second later, Aine and Khellan appear, each with a horse, one for them and one for Gimli.

Gimli's response is swift and unwavering. "Might as well accept it. We're going with you, laddie," he declares, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"This path is fraught with danger. It is not a journey for the faint of heart."Aragorn begins, his voice filled with concern.

I met Aragorn's gaze with determination. "We understand the risks," I responded firmly. "But we cannot stand idly by while you face danger alone."

Aine nods in agreement, her eyes reflecting unwavering loyalty. "We are with you, Aragorn. Whatever may come, we will face it together."

Khellan's expression is equally determined as he speaks up. "You've fought for us countless times. Now it's our turn to fight by your side."

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