Because of this, Optimus's daughter could not transform into vehicles. Her t-cog does not have the ability to scan vehicles, but that is because she already can transform. And that is into a dragon. When Optimus learned, she was related to the dragon who helped the Primes, it made sense as to how his daughter had such a unique connection with nature. She is capable of influencing the weather and nature around her, and she was able to create elements in her own hand, and before the incident, her system gave her the ability to breath out different elements when necessary. And, unfortunately, after being infected with dark energon, those abilities were what she had used to attack the autobots and Megatron at the time.

And it was a surprise that Megatron had even been concerned about his daughter at the time. Seeing how the sparkling responded to the dark energon was actually quite frightening to see. And it was a good thing she was not an adult, as she would certainly bring a lot of destruction to Earth. But that would not be the case, and she was now residing within Optimus. One month has already passed, and Ratchet has assumed at least two more months will pass before he would birth her, and Optimus was certainly going to take the time to enjoy it, as he never had the chance to carry her a long time ago.

Though he, admittedly, wished she would not grow at this time. Ever since she was placed within him, with Ratchet watching intently and ensuring that his system would connect to the sparkling to deliver the necessary parts she needed within her body, she has been growing. And growing rather quickly too, which was making space quite tight inside Optimus, and he had to deal with a growing abdomen due to that.

"Are you okay, daddy?" The sweet, gentle voice of his daughter asked, knowing she could hear him heaving. "I'm sorry you are sick. I wish I wasn't the cause of it. I hope it will stop soon, because you been for weeks."

Optimus caressed his abdomen gently with a smile. "I will be fine, Azura. Thank you for your concern, but it is part carrying. It is a lot like how humans go through a cycle of illness. I have never carried a sparkling, and I do not possess a natural gestational chamber, meaning this is a bit harder than it would normally be. But you are getting stronger, and Ratchet said you had developed two new systems last week, which should be completed this week."

He felt a shift within him as he felt the stretch of small legs. He remembered when she finally woke up a week within the carrying, and she kicked pretty hard. He was actually awoken from recharge in the middle of the night, and he was quick to soothe her. This mental link they now had was due to the maternal bond they have finally developed. Optimus felt it a few days into the carrying, and he was happy to finally be properly bonded with her. It allowed proper communication, as the bond allows Optimus to hear her words through the link, and feel her emotions and even any pain. And she could also hear Optimus's words through the link, along with his emotions and pain. Though the pain part was something Azura didn't necessarily like. Especially if Optimus is in a fight, and she feels the sudden pain of that fight.

"I feel stronger...I...I barely remember what happened a few weeks ago. I just remember being at the beachside forest, and...I had run into the trees...then Megatron showed up with Starscream. After that..." Optimus's smile widened as he heard a whimper through the link and it was amused by her. "But I guess it is best I forget it. How long until I can leave?"

"At least another two months."

"Right...okay. Well, at least we are bonded, daddy. Will Jack be here today?"

"He will be here tonight, Azura. It is a school day." Optimus grimaced as he placed his hand over his mouth for a moment, feeling another unsettled feeling in his tank, before his tank relaxing and sighed in relief. "You have been enjoying the stories he has been reading to you, haven't you?"

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