Chapter 3: Unexpectation

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The portal of the island laboratory that Magnifico got sucked into, was the lair of the twisted mad scientist, Dr. Neo Cortex, the main antagonist of the Crash Bandicoot franchise, which was also the setting for this part of the story.

Dr. Neo Cortex was in his lab, pacing back and forth, like he often did when he was annoyed.

"It's not fair!" he complained.

Yup, he was annoyed.

"Every time I make a plan for world domination, the Bandicoots always mess it up!" he sighed.

"Well," said Dr. Nefarious Tropy, "It's told your plans are known to be over the top and braggable. That's why the Bandicoots always beat you."

"When I call for a rhetorical statement," Cortex snapped at his minion, "I don't want it until it's correct in opinion."

A loud knocking on the door sounded.

"Pardon me for stating," N. Tropy said, "but Tiny's en route with your cocoa and chocolate biscuits."

"Oh, good! Come in, Tiny!" Cortex called.


Tiny smashed through the wall, carrying a tray with a cup of cocoa and choccy biccies.

"Tiny!" shouted Cortex. "Why don't you come through the door like everyone else?!"

"Oh, sorry, boss." Tiny said, before going back through the hole in the wall, carrying said tray with a cup of cocoa and choccy biccies.

"I'm very sorry, boss." N. Tropy said.

"He could've killed someone doing that!" Cortex complained.

"I know, sir." N. Tropy said. "And Might I suggest-"

he was rudely interupted when he heard a loud knocking.

"Ah." Cortex said. "Got it right this time. Come in, Tiny!"


Still carrying said tray with a cup of cocoa and choccy biccies, Tiny literally smashed through the door, destroying it to bits.

"TINY, YOU BUFFOON!" Cortex shouted. "Look what you've done!"

"Sorry," Tiny said. "You said to come through the door, and-"

"I give up." Cortex sighed. "I just give up. Just put the tray down."

Tiny did. He banged the tray with said cup of cocoa and said choccy biccies down very hard on the table. So hard, in fact, it sent a knife and fork flying from the other end. The knife and fork caught N. Tropy's hat, and trapped it on the wall.

N. Tropy's bald head was exposed for all to see.

"Agh!" he exclaimed, covering his bald head with his hands.

Cortex sighed. "Tiny, go make yourself useful and see if Dr. N. Gin requires assistance."

Tiny nodded, and sped out through the broken door to N. Gin's lab.

"And no more busting doors down!" Cortex called after him. "I've only just paid the repair bills from last time!"

Nobody seemed to notice a shooting star heading toward the base.

Meanwhile, in N. Gin's Lab, N. Gin and Dr. Nitrus Brio were busy with an experiment involving a kart similar to the Team Cortex kart from the intro cutscene of Crash Nitro Kart.

"N. Brio, throw the switch!" N. Gin called.

N. Brio reached for the switch, only to be squashed flat against the wall by Tiny throwing the door open [and not breaking it this time].


A thunderous boom shook the whole lair.

"Tiny! What did you break now?!" N. Gin shouted.

"That wasn't him." said Cortex, who had just appeared at the door.

"So who was it?" asked N. Brio, who had recovered from being squashed flat.

"I don't know." Cortex said. "But it's time I found out." He called some of his Lab Assistant Minions together. "Minions! Go investigate the crash!"

The Lab Assistants all dashed out to what they saw was a smoking crater, and a man in blackened tattered clothes, weakly lying on the ground, with a few cuts on his face, and blood seeping on his clothes, and he looked very weak.

As they advanced, the man seemed to drop face down, as if he was unconscious.

From King Magnifico's POV, He had flown into the Crash Bandicoot universe similar to that of a falling meteor. He crashlanded in the rocky temple part of the island, and emerged from the wreckage, his clothes reduced to charred rags, his skin looking almost sunburnt from the heat of friction. He was tired, weak, and almost found it hard to remain standing. Every part of his body hurt and ached from the landing, and he could almost feel blood staining his clothes.

He began to lose balance, and then collapsed to his knees, then to his chest, and lay sprawled on the ground.

As he felt the energy draining from him, his eyes becoming heavy, He saw some funny figures walking towards him.

Magnifico's last thought before he lost consciousness and dropped face down to the ground was 'Amaya...'

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