Am I Stupid?

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   Shadows danced across the walls, flipping and twirling, taunting Scarlett with their ghostly tango. It had been almost an hour since Phoebe had bolted, and the sun was starting to go down. Golden beams painted the walls around the shadows, and Scarlett was getting tired of waiting. Lucy had told her to leave the situation alone, but that was the last thing she wanted to do.

    At first, she hadn't understood what had even happened with Julien. Or what she had done to warrant Phoebe's reaction. Everything had moved so fast, but in the time Scarlett had spent waiting in her dorm room, she'd done some deep thinking.

    I fucked up. Big time.

    Scarlett's heart dropped. She had been so focused in repressing her butterflies around Phoebe to even think that maybe, just maybe, she felt the same way around her. But, she'd also come to the realization that maybe Julien also felt that way.

    Why do these things always happen to me? I get surrounded by hot gays, and of course life found a way to fuck it up.

    It's not that she didn't like Julien. She's literally perfect, in every single way. But there was something about Phoebe that intrigued Scarlett, and she didn't want to deny it anymore.

    With that, Scarlett rushed out of her room and raced down the stairs, her footsteps echoing off of the walls, mimicking the way her heart felt.

    Shielding her eyes from the lowering sun, she scanned the courtyard. The wind bit into her bare arms, the chill seeping into her bones.

    "Phoebe, please!"

    Scarlett whipped around, catching a glimpse of Julien standing at the corner of their building, tension gripping every part of her body.

    She watched the girl grab her head, pulling at her hair in distress.

    "Can we please talk about this? I- I truly didn't mean to upset you Pheebs, and I'm sorry!" Fear forced its way into her voice, making it sound like she could burst into tears at any moment.

    "You know what? No, Julien. I'm so pissed at you. I can't even stand to look at you right now. You fucking knew!"

    Phoebe came around the corner, putting her into view of Scarlett. Fire danced in her eyes.

    "What? Phoebe, you can't own people! I love you, but did you ever stop and think how I felt?"

    The blonde lunged forward, her hands connecting with Julien's chest, shoving her hard. The smaller girl stumbled backward, stunned.

    "Hey! Stop it!"

    The words came out of Scarlett's mouth before she had a chance to think. The two girls spun around.

    "What has gotten into you guys? You need to stop it! You're best friends, so maybe start acting like it. You're not teenage boys!"

    Phoebe's eyes widened at the sight of her, but in a split second, her fire returned.

    "Stay out of this Scar. Please." She spat.

    "Uh, no! I come out here to you pushing Julien around. I think you two should go back inside and cool off. And then you can talk like civilized human beings. I can't believe the way you two are acting right now." Scarlett rebutted, giving Phoebe the same attitude she dealt out.

    Phoebe stared at her, her jaw clenched and nostrils flaring.

    "I'm not kidding! Go!"

    The blonde rolled her eyes and took off towards the door, huffing.

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