You Look Hot In a Uniform

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Waking up in a new place was always terrifying. The disoriented panic of having no idea where you are for the first couple of seconds after opening your eyes was the worst feeling ever. When Scarlett saw the unfamiliar ceiling, she shot up in alarm. Her eyes raced around the room, trying to find something that could bring her back to reality. When she spotted Phoebe curled up in her bed across from hers, snoring softly, a wave of calmness instantly washed over her. I know where I am, I'm safe, I'm okay.

    Finally coming to her senses, Scarlett realized what had woken her up. Phoebe's alarm had gone off,  an irritating ringing filled the room. Damn, she can sleep through anything. She looked over at the blonde who was still passed out. Scarlett giggled softly as she crawled out of bed and grabbed Phoebe's phone, turning off the grating noise.

    "Good morning," Scarlett jumped and looked down, a pair of brown eyes capturing her own.

    "Oh my fuck, Phoebe, you scared the shit out of me!"

    "My bad dude. You seem really easy to scare, actually. It's kind of cute."

    "Oh whatever. I thought you were still asleep!" Scarlett replied, trying to ignore the last part of what Phoebe said in order to keep herself from blushing.

    "Are you ready to become a sweet little Catholic girl today? I promise it's actually kind of fun pretending." Phoebe sat up, stretching.

    "As ready as I'll ever be. I'm sure I'll be okay now that I have you guys. And I agree, I already feel like a rebel, I'm kind of excited to sneak around." Scarlett sat on her bed again, watching Phoebe.

    "Exactly, babe. They're not that smart putting a whole bunch of gay girls and non-binary kids together, and expecting them not to get into trouble." She winked at Scarlett. "Now come on, we've got 20 minutes until we have to get down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Get your ass moving."

    "Wow, you look hot in a uniform!" Scarlett gave Lucy a spin indulging in her comment. The cafeteria was bustling with activity, girls chatting at each table around the open space.

    "Thanks! I think it's just a little small on me, but I was lucky Phoebe had an extra one to lend me while they get one tailored for me." Scarlett gestured to the black blazer resting over a white dress shirt and black tie. She tugged at her skirt, hoping it wasn't riding up her ass.

    "I personally think it fits just right," Lucy smirked.

The line up to get breakfast was still quite long, and Scarlett wondered how Phoebe and Julien managed to get through it so fast. Her and Lucy had been waiting for like 15 minutes already.

"How did Julien and Phoebe already get through the line? We all came in here together, and one moment they were here, the next they weren't."

"They are little gremlins when it comes to food. I swear all they do is bat their eyes and suddenly they're at the front of the line. I honestly don't know how they do it. But, at least they get us our table every time." Lucy looked over across the room, pointing out the two girls sitting at a table in the corner, chatting with each other. "I, on the other hand, don't mind waiting. It gives me time to make up my mind."

Once the two of them got their breakfast, they made their way over to the table.

"Good morning Scarlett," Julien said, a faint blush covering her cheeks as she took in the sight of the girl.

"Morning Julien," Scarlett replied, sitting directly across from her. She was already nervous about today, so fuck it.

"Ugh, that line was way too long today. It was nice of you guys to bring us to the front of the line with you." Lucy rolled her eyes at the other girls sarcastically.

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