26. Emotionless But Fearless

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🎶I've battled demons that won't let me sleep
Called to the sea but she abandoned me
But I won't never give up, no, never give up, no, no
No, I won't never give up, no, never give up, no, no
And I won't let you get me down
I'll keep gettin' up when I hit the ground
Oh, never give up, no, never give up no, no, oh🎶


 "It's okay, darling. These men are nothing. They just feel nothing", Vanya said hugging Akshara when Akshara shifted to her home instead of going back to Goenka Villa.
Akshara didn't talked about that instead she said, "If you don't mind, can I stay with you for a while until I get myself an apartment?", Akshara asked breaking the hug.
"Of course, darling. You can!", Vanya replied and handled Akshara a mug of coffee. "Thanks", Akshara said and half smiled.

If she learned to live because of Abhimanyu, her soul died also because of him.

She wanted to hate him but she couldn't, she wanted to forget him but she couldn't because she loved him. More than any things existing in this world.

Suddenly Vanya's phone rang, she look at her phone and gulped with fear. "Umm you stay here, keep this extra key and I'll be back soon", she said to Akshara and left.
Akshara took a bath, got ready and reached Goenka Office.


"Oh ho, Akshara, you came", Sirat said. "So you decided to sign the property to us?", Surat said tolling the paperweight kept on the table in front of her. 
"Im not here for that, Ms. Sirat", Akshara replied. "I wanna tell you something", she said.
"What?", Sirat asked with a suspicious expression.
"I broke up with Abhi. We aren't together anymore", Akshara replied looking straight in Sirat's eyes.
Sirat widened her eyes, "What?! What did you just said?", she again asked as if she didn't belived what Akshara said.
"I said me and Abhimanyu aren't together anymore. We are not marrying. We broke up", Akshara again said sitting st Kartik's empty seat.
"H-how how can you you do this?! How the fuck you did this, Akshara. We made a deal na. So why did this happened. It means...it means he'll take all that money from us back?", Sirat said and gulped.
"He won't. Trust me, Ms. Greedy", Akshara replied.
"But why the fuck you took risk? What had happened? I'd learnt that you too had became quiet close so what is this now?", Sirat asked again in fear of losing money.
"This is. None. Of . Your. Business", Akshara replied so coldly. Just like the previous self of Abhimanyu.
"By the way, there's a new for you. Not only a single one but two", Akshara said with an emotionless expression.
"What's that?", Sirat asked.
"You're no longer involved in Goenka business. You are fired from the vice chairman position", Akshara said.
"W-what?! Do you think you can do that when Kairav is with me?", Sirat said and gulped.
"I. Don't. Care", Akshara replied trying to be a strong and bold person in front of Sirat. Trying to become a person who's never scared of anyone's threat. She did care about Kairav but now she knew what she had to do.
"You. Bloody hell!!! You brat", Sirat shouted. "Don't shout at me, Ms. Sirat. As you know it's written in our contract that after the death of the Chairman of Goenka Industries, his/her daughter/son becomes the Chairman and she/he can fire the vice chairman with a proper note", Akshara replied.
"Do you have anything against me?!", Sirat said with a smirk.
"I do. See, I recorded where you were bribing our manager to spread the rumours against Goenka Industris? We've recorded it, and for you kind information. We have inbuilt voice recorder in cameras. So it's all here!", Akshara replied.
Sirat cursed silently and left the office and rushed towards the home.


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