Chapter 4 - Heizou

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Walking towards the festival, Heizou is met with lively atmosphere. There was a lot of people, paired along with lively music, and colorful and flashy lights, lighting up the night sky.

Heizou looks around in awe. "Hey, what's your name?" A boy approaches Heizou, giving him a friendly smile. Heizou looks at the boy, checking for any suspicious actions. "Shikanoin Heizou, you can just call me Heizou though, I don't mind."

"Cool name. I'm Kobayashi Hikaru — but just call me Hikaru, pleasure to meet you!" The boy enthusiastically says, holding his hand out to shake Heizou's hand. "Pleasure to meet you too, Hikaru." Heizo returns the hand gesture, shaking Hikaru's hand.

"You want to check out the food with me? I hear they have some stuff from Liyue!" Hikaru offers, as Heizou nods in response. They pay for their food at the food stand, and decide to sit on a bench near a river. "So what do you do for your job?" Hikaru asks, munching on his food. "I'm a detective for the Tenryou Commission." Heizou replies in a casual tone, gazing at the night sky. 

"Wow, then I'm guessing that you've had some cases on the famous (c/n) if you work under them." Hikaru chuckles softly. Heizou curiously turns his attention to Hikaru. "Who's (c/n)?"

Both Hikaru and Heizou look at each other in silence. "You don't know who that is?" Hikaru deadpanned, eventually speaking up. Heizou shakes his head. Hikaru disappointedly sighs, clicking his tongue.

"(C/n) —> (criminal/name) is a famous criminal around Inazuma, can't believe you're never heard of her. She's done all kinds of things. She's held responsible for arson, theft, assault, and many other things." Hikaru explains.

"Oh wow. She seems interesting." Heizou says. "So what do you do for a living, Hikaru?"
"Well, I don't really have to work. I'm the son of a rich merchant!" Hikaru subtly brags. "Anyways, want to walk around for a bit?" He asks Heizou. "Yeah, sure! I don't mind."

The two boys walk around the festival for a bit, as Heizou ponders on the encounter with the girl he had earlier. I don't think she told me the full story. "Ooh, Heizou look! I found these cool green rocks on the ground," Hikaru cheerfully exclaims, handing Heizou one of the rocks. "Don't they look pretty cool?"

Heizou examines the rock, intrigued by its uniqueness. "You're right, it does look pretty cool." He replies to Hikaru's excitement, smiling at him as the two continued to walk around. "Hey, I think the firework are going to start soon. Wanna go find a good spot?" Heizou asks, putting the rock in his pocket. Hikaru nods in response.

While they were walking towards the beach, something catches Heizou's eye. It was a girl with (h/c) hair and a scabbard on her waist, who looked like she was around his age, and was stealing something from a shop that no one was attending. "Actually, you go ahead. I'll catch up, I've got to get something really quick." Heizou hurriedly says, walking towards the girl.  "Okay!" Hikaru calls out.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Heizou asks the (h/c) haired girl, crossing his arms. The girl looks up at Heizou, with a half shocked expression, pausing what she was doing. "Nothing, just chilling." The girl casually replies. "Mhm..." Heizou says in a skeptical tone. "Well, do you want something from me or what?" The girl raises her brow.

"What're you trying to do — or steal, in other words." Heizou interrogates the (h/c) haired girl.  The girl turns her full attention to Heizou, giving him an annoyed look and rolling her eyes. "Like I said, nothing. And I'm not stealing anything.  All I'm doing is helping the guy who runs this shop out, he said for me to grab something from his desk."

"Then why don't I help you with this task, hmm?" Heizou walks over to the desk, where the girl was at. "Why though?" The girl groans. "Why not?" Heizou counters, slightly smirking. "Why are you so nosy?"

"Why are you so defensive?"

A brief moment of silence occurs, as the two of them both glare at each other.

"Just leave me alone, it's none of your business!" She snaps, quickly grabbing something off the desk and swiftly storming off. Heizou races after her, knowing that she stole something. The girl was running towards Amakane Island, as Heizou stealthily follows behind her.

Arriving at Amakane Island, Heizou catches a glimpse of the (h/c) haired girl, still following behind her. "I told you to leave me alone." The girl sternly says, yanking Heizou towards her, pulling his wrist.

She pushes him against the rock wall, pulling out a purple blade from her scabbard, and holds it close to Heizou's neck. Hints of electro light glow from her blade. "Getting violent I see; you know, it's rude to put a sword to someone's neck when you've only just met them." Heizou calmly says, glaring at the girl with a slight smirk. "But I don't mind this position you've put me in — if only it was the other way around, it might've been better."

"Why'd you follow me, boy?" The girl ignores Heizou's flirt. "I was curious. It seems like you stole something from that store, did you not?" Heizou replies with a question. "And what if I did?"

"Then I'd send you to jail." Heizou flashes the girl a mischievous smug smile.  The girl's threatening gaze softens. "Say, what's your name, boy?"

"Now why would I do that, hmm?" Heizou teases. "If anything, you could blackmail me using my name." The girl groans in frustration. "Just tell me it, dammit."

"Shikanoin Heizou." He mumbles, looking down at the purple blade near his neck. "What was that? It's rude not look at someone in the eyes when they're talking to you you know." The (h/c) haired girl raises her brow. "Well thats ironic." Heizou counters back. The girl moves the purple blade a bit closer to his neck, annoyed by Heizou's statement. "The names Shikanoin Heizou, your local detective." Heizou turns his gaze back the (h/c) haired girl, slightly smirking at her."Now tell me, what's your name?"

"Ha!" The girl laughs in a condescending manner. "What makes you think that I'll tell you my name?" Heizou's smirk fades to a frown, disappointed in the girl's answer. A loud boom comes from the distance. It was the firework show. The girl turns her attention to to the loud noise. "Shit." she mutters. She pulls her purple blade away from Heizou's neck and slides it back into her scabbard. Heizou sighs in relief.

The (h/c) haired girl takes one last glance at Heizou, then starts running towards Byakko Plain, and into Chinju Forrest. "Hey!" He calls out. The girl looks back at Heizou, running into the forrest and hiding behind a tree. Heizou looses sight of the girl, and examines the forrest, looking for any clues of her hiding spot.

After searching for any traces of the girl, Heizou soon walks off towards the beach where Hikaru was, giving up on finding the (h/c) haired girl. "So did you find what you were looking for, Heizou?" Hikaru says, hearing Heizou's footsteps approaching, and gazing up at the fireworks lighting up the dark night sky.

"Yep, I did." Heizou replies, looking back towards the forrest, as Hikaru quietly watches the firework show. "It's beautiful, don't you think?" Hikaru looks back at Heizou, pointing at the fireworks.

"Yeah, it looks amazing." Heizou cheerfully agrees, sitting down next to Hikaru on the sand. "Not as pretty as the girl I met tonight though." Heizou mumbles under his breath.

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