Chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

Anywhere my dad and Ward are, Rafe is too.

The weirdest part of all of this is, they are adamant on it only being the four of us, no Sarah or Rose allowed.

Strange huh?

"jj you can head on home son, cut the day short" my dad tells the blonde, making him nod and give him a small smile.

"Thanks sir, see you on Wednesday" he replies Before giving me an awkward smile and walking off out the kitchen.

Of course not without Rafe shooting him a dirty look as he leaves.

I roll my eyes as I watch the Cameron boy glare at jj, deciding I've had enough of his presence already.

I hop off of the counter and onto my feet, hoping to make a hasty return to my bedroom unnoticed by anyone.

Before I can sneak away I hear my dad clearing his throat, stopping me in my tracks.

"Where are you running off to?"

I spin around and force a smile on my lips, fighting the urge to run after jj and leave with him.

"Was just going to go sit in my room"

"We have guests honey... don't be rude"

The false smile drops from my face and I purse my lips in annoyance.

"Fine" I mumble, shifting back and forth on my feet.

"How about you show Rafe around?" My dad exclaims with a smile.

I chuckle awkwardly and look over at the boy who's now listening intently to our conversation rather than the one he was having with his father.

"I'm sure Rafe has better things to do" I reply, trying not to let my disdain for him be so evident in my tone.

"Actually I don't, a tour sounds great" Rafe exclaims over enthusiastically, a smug grin forming on his lips.

I let out a huff and walk out of the kitchen, the boy following close behind me as we make our way through the house.

"You know? You really shouldn't be so rude to your guests" Rafe whispers in my ear from behind, his tone mocking and sarcastic.

I stop abruptly and spin around to face him, my eyes narrowing angrily.

"Seriously Rafe what is your problem? Why are you always trying to piss me off?" I snap at him, only making that arrogant grin on his face widen.

"Maybe I like pissing you off" he shrugs casually, his blue eyes staring into mine.

I roll my eyes and begin to turn my body back around to continue walking, but he's already grabbing my arm so I'm facing him again.

"I guess sometimes I like being around you too" he mutters, his tone a little more sincere than before.

My brows knit together in confusion. He likes being around me? He likes my company?

"Uh... thanks" i mumble back, unsure of what else to say.

A small smile appears on his face, and I can't help but reciprocate the gesture.

"I still think you're an asshole though" I chuckle, breaking the silence between us.

He laughs softly and nods his head, "that'll change soon, you'll see"

I roll my eyes in a playful manner and scoff at his words.

"Now how about you show this asshole your bedroom?" He grins.

"Come on then" I giggle, leading the way up to my room to show him around.


"Cute room" he tells me as he looks around my bedroom, examining all the little trinkets and stupid things I have laying around.

"I suppose yours looks similar right?" I joke sarcastically.

"Oh yeah" he replies with a small laugh, while his eyes scan over the few photo frames I have set out on my shelves.

I watch as he picks up a picture of me and jj, his face instantly grimacing in disgust.

"You sure you two aren't dating or something?" He asks, slight mockery and callousness in his tone.

"Yes i'm sure" I tell him, resisting the urge to snap a snide remark at him just out of pure habit.

He hums in approval and places the photo face down so it can't be seen anymore.

"You know... I think he has a little thing for you" he adds before turning around to face me.

"So what if he does?" I ask, my tone coming off more defensive now.

He chuckles at me as a dark smirk grows on his lips.

"I don't like to share what's mine, or should I say... soon to be mine"

I feel an odd, uneasy feeling rush through my body as the words leave his mouth. My stomach twisting uncomfortably at the condescending tone in which he speaks.

He must sense my discomfort because he lets out another laugh, a humourless, sadistic laugh.

"Come on now Annie, you're not that stupid are you?" He adds patronisingly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I've never felt so weak and helpless around another person before, like prey to a predator.

"Let me take you out somewhere nice, I'll show you how much I want this" he says, his words coming out more like a demand than anything else.

I shift nervously on my feet, intimidated by just his presence alone at this point.

"I'm not taking no for an answer" he warns me, his voice low and cold.

"Okay, fine" I mumble timidly, staring down at the ground anxiously.

"Good girl" he says with a grin.

And that's how they got together! Sorry this was a little boring, I'm in hospital and it's super hard to stay concentrated. More will be coming out soon though so stay tuned! :)

(Also just wanted to say, I love all your comments so much😭 genuinely so funny)

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