Chapter 14- Improvements

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The death of Reshala and his criminal enterprise was beginning to show it's benefits more and more as the days went by.  Using one of the abandoned police vans and some of their new scav power, the PMC's raided the dorms and gas station for anything useful that Reshala might have possessed.  The first order of business was destroying the gang's immense supply of street drugs and freeing the captive prostitutes.  Once that was finished, Jason almost fainted when he saw the sheer number of supplies.  Drum upon drum of fresh water, a heap of canned and fresh food, generators, a huge supply of liquor, stacks of roubles, dollars, and euros, as well as a vast arsenal of guns and ammunition.  It wasn't until they reached the back of the massive lockup that Jason encountered something that caught his interest.  He spotted a table upon which a stack of manilla folders sat, all bearing the Terragroup logo.  A closer look also revealed 5 flashdrives bearing the same logo and a pile of bitcoins.  Jason's heart skipped a beat.  This was what he was looking for.  Before anyone else came over, he placed the folders, flashdrives, and bitcoins in his backpack and walked away, making sure not to leave anything behind.  

The hideout was seeing a massive upgrade.  The broken and cracked wall was busted open to reveal a door which led to a large room that was converted into a gym.  The generator was upgraded into a generator array and were wired together in sequence to allow for a strong power grid.  The waterlines and sewer systems were rebuilt and functional bathrooms were installed.  The foxhole was reinforced with sandbags and converted into a machine gun nest.  A heavily camoflaged sniper nest was also installed in the trees for Natalia.  Things began to change in terms of the hideout's discipline.  The rough, raggedy scavs were given highly intense combat training, body armor, helmets, new weapons, and grenades.  In addition to the machine gun nest, more tunnels were dug out from the main hideout in order to move supplies and create ambush positions and insertion/extraction points, as well as make a garage with a ramp to drive in vehicles.  Guard towers were put up with fences and barbed wire with a gate in front of the ramp that led to the garage so vehicles could get in and out.  

The last few improvements were expanded trading with more merchants.  Andrei and Daniel were able to introduce Jason and Nikita to a doctor called Therapist, a shady individual named Fence, gang leader named Skier, as well as a merchant named Ragman, who supplied armor, helmets, masks, hats, and other clothing based neccessities.  While the PMC's stayed inside the hideout, the scavs stayed outside in the guard towers, the machine gun nest, and patrolling around the area and watching for threats, as well as scavenging for more supplies.  In private, Jason studied the Terragroup data he found in Reshala's lockup.  Most of the wording was vague however, and seemed to focus more on corporate nonsense and security matters than anything incriminating or suspicious.  He also lacked a computer to examine the flashdrives, which was his new objective.  As for the bitcoins, he had no idea where Reshala got them from.  Did he find them?  Were they given to him?  By Terragroup no less?  Did he steal them?  These questions burned in his head as he tried to no avail to decipher the secrets in front of him. 

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