Chapter 13- The Showdown

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Things were set.  A quick deal with Prapor secured 15 extra hands and ammunition.  Natalia was perched up in a tree with her mosin.  Nikita and 3 scavs were posted up on a nearby hill with a grenade launcher and a pile of hand grenades.  The other 12 scavs got into fireteams of 4 and followed Jason, Daniel, and Andrei.  Jason's fireteam took a position behind some large rocks, Daniel's fireteam got into their firing positions in a manmade foxhole that was dug out from the main hideout, and Andrei's fireteam covered the right flank with the aid of some abandoned vehicles and sandbags.  Radios were distributed and every man stood ready to defend the hideout at all costs.  "Remember, we have no fallback plan, this is our only chance to defend what we have, and I'll be damned if some piece of shit criminal takes it all from us," said Jason.   

Reshala's force of 50 strong were locked and loaded.  Everything they needed, guns, ammo, meds, armor, you name it, with an added surprise just in case.  Their vehicles sped to the hideout, running over anything in their way.  Sooner or later, the police vans, SUV's, and the armored SOBR carrier came to a screeching halt in front of the hideout.  While Reshala's men unloaded, Reshala himself stepped out into plain view.  Natalia leveled her scope reticle with his forehead and was poised to pull the trigger but was cut short by Reshala's loud yell.  "AMERICAN!" he yelled.  Jason stepped forward.  "WHAT IS IT YOU FUCK!?" Jason yelled back.  "I KNOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING OF VALUE, SO I GIVE YOU THIS ONE CHANCE, SURRENDER TO ME NOW, OR YOU ALL DIE," said Reshala.  Jason pondered this for a second before raising his rifle and firing point blank.  Reshala cried out as the bullet struck his arm.  In response, Reshala's force opened fire.  Jason sprinted back behind his lines as bullets whizzed past him.  Daniel's fireteam began opening fire from their foxhole while Andrei's force joined in.  Natalia took aim at a police scav and sent a bullet tearing through his abdomen.  Jason linked back up with his scav force and signalled to join in.  His scavs stormed forward courageously, firing whatever weapon they had in their hands from a high quality AK to a rusty old TOZ-106 hunting shotgun.  More police scavs were being hit by incoming fire.  Reshala ran from vehicle to vehicle taking shots at any target to pop their heads up.  While the gunshot wound in his arm stung, he managed to score 2 kills right off the bat.  Despite this, 8 police scavs were dead, 3 were wounded, while only 2 of Jason's scavs were killed and 1 was injured.  "Deploy the machine gun!" yelled Reshala to 2 of his minions.  The scavs opened the SOBR carrier and pulled out a giant PKP machine gun.  They set up the bipod, loaded it up, but made the mistake of firing at the foxhole.  Despite killing 1 of Daniel's scavs, this was hardly effective as Natalia, as well as Andrei and Jason's fireteams rained down fire on them.  "Nikita, take aim at the vehicles so they can't escape," said Daniel over the radio.  "Roger," said Nikita as he aimed the launcher at one of the SUV's.  He was soon rewarded by the massive fireball of the vehicle exploding.  "Move forward!" said Jason to his fireteam as he afixed his bayonet to his rifle.  He then sprinted forward and stabbed the bayonet into a police scav.  His scavs followed suit firing and using their rifle butts to take down the police scavs.  Meanwhile, Andrei's fireteam pressed forward and knocked out the machine gun team.  

Jason was becoming and more confident.  Reshala's forces were falling like flies and he was able to turn the machine gun against them.  Suddenly, a fist made contract with Jason's face.  Reshala stepped out from behind a car.  He pointed his AK at Jason, who kicked the muzzle and wrestled the gun away, removing the magazine in the process.  "Give me what you have!" yelled Reshala as he punched and kicked Jason again.  "Fuck you!" yelled Jason as he punched back, breaking Reshala's glasses.  Spitting out a tooth, Reshala shoved Jason into the side of a police van and pulled out his golden Tokarev pistol while Jason pulled out his Beretta.  "Last chance," said Reshala.  Jason's response was a gunshot to his head, killing the mighty Reshala.  "Imagine talking instead of shooting," thought Jason as he shook his head.  He then picked up his rifle and pointed it at the remaining police scavs.  "All of you lay your weapons down, put your hands on your head and your knees in the dirt now!" he yelled.  "What are we going to do with them?" asked Nikita, who stood beside Jason.  "Take their guns, burn their damn uniforms, but let them go," said Jason.  Natalia sauntered up beside Jason.  "Good job American," she said casually.  "It wouldn't kill you to call me by my name from time to time," he said.  "I'll consider it," she said before walking away.  "So what now?" asked Andrei.  "Well, according to the map, we should go clean out Reshala's lockups, we need that supplies," said Jason.  "Understood, me and Daniel will get it tomorrow," he said.  The friendly scavs then walked up to Jason in one big group.  Then all together, they set their weapons down and kneeled before him.  "Whats all this?" he asked Nikita.  "Respect, they wish to follow you now, as do I, brother," said Nikita.  

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