Part 4: The Sleepover

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After today i have zero energy. I just can't wait to be home.

As i head back home in the car i can't help but think about what Teddie had said earlier today,
- 'Rory'
i still didn't quite understand how he could possibly have the audacity to call me that after all these years of him ghosting me. I hate him.
We finally arrived and i was half asleep. I walk in the house, i drop my bags and head up to 
my room. It was such a relief being in my bed.

In minutes i decided i was bored and picked up the phone to give the girls a ring,
*rings group call*
*they answer*
Gia and Nevaeh: *over the phone* "heyy" they say
Nevaeh: "how are you after today?"
Gia: "yeah i'm sorry about english again, it's still really shitty."
: "guyss don't worry about me i'm fine buttt i'm bored as hell." i complain
Nevaeh: "wait i have an idea!"
Nevaeh: "we should have a sleepover!"
: "hmm i'm not sure, i mean i'm just so bus-"
Gia: "-oh my gosh, yessss i'm so down."
Gia: "come on aurora pleaseeee."
: "find but not a late night i can't afford being sleep deprived."
Nevaeh: "Deal!"
Nevaeh: "My house? 8 o'clock?"
: "sure."
Nevaeh: "see you there."
*phone call ends*

hmm now i've got to think about what i want to wear,
i think quickly and throw together some pj's

hmm now i've got to think about what i want to wear,i think quickly and throw together some pj's

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I guess this'll have to do..

I make my way over to Nevaeh house and greet her at the front door.
: "Hiiii!"
Nevaeh and Gia: "heyyy come innnn!"
I walk inside the house and we go upstairs. Gia shuts the door behind us.
Gia: "soooo what should we do?"
Nevaeh: " i know! how about we do face masks and go for a drive!"
: "good idea!"
We put on our face masks and go to the car.
As we are driving through the town, the car suddenly runs out of gas. great.
Luckily, a gas station was 2 miles down the road.
As we approach the gas station, Gia hops out of the car to grab snacks from the shop while me and Nevaeh fill the tank.
At this point, Gia had been gone for a while and we started to get worried.
To our luck we saw her running toward us with a happy smile on her face.
: "hey, where did you go? and why do you look like you just saw a unicorn?"
Gia: "get this: as i was coming out of the shop guess who i saw."
: "..."
Gia: "KAIRO."
Nevaeh: "oh my god."
Gia: "yeah and we sort of talked and stuff and he invited me to go to a party this friday!"
: "oh my god that's great news!"
Gia: "and even better, he said i could bring friends!!"
Nevaeh: "EEE i'm so excited for youuu!" she squealed
: "who's going to be there?"
Gia: "he said just a couple of friends so i'm guessing it's not gonna be a huge deal."she said sounding unsure.
: "well looks like we're all going to party now."
Nevaeh: "thank god it isn't tonight, i am drained."
she says as we all get back into the car and head home.

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