Chapter 7

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The icy December wind whipped against the high walls of the secluded urbanisation, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside Alexandra. Dawn had barely cracked the horizon, yet the princess was wide awake, a news alert flashing on her phone like a neon sign announcing the end of her secret life. 

The date: December 1st, 2020, just a day after her 17th birthday. A day that would rewrite the narrative of her life, stripping away the carefully constructed facade and thrusting her into the relentless glare of the spotlight.

With a trembling hand, she tapped the link. The headline was stark: "Breaking News: Buckingham Palace Announces Secret Daughter of Prince William and Duchess Catherine."  Beneath the bold text lay an official statement from the Palace, confirming the existence of Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra Victoria France of Cambridge, third in line to the British throne.

The news felt surreal. Years of whispered secrets, stolen glances at news articles speculating about a missing Cambridge child, and carefully orchestrated visits with a distant family – it all came flooding back. But amidst the turmoil, a strange sense of liberation washed over her. No more lies, no more keeping up the facade of a normal life in Madrid.

Scrolling down, she read the rest of the statement.  Apparently, the Palace had opted for legal action against the publication that leaked the pictures of her with UWC Atlantic College classmates. The frustration that had simmered within her for years over the deliberate isolation the Firm had enforced reached a boiling point. Preserving her privacy? More like controlling her life.

She found herself typing, the words spilling out onto the screen. "Prince William daughter" – she hovered over the enter key, but her finger remained poised.  Was she ready to face the world?  The answer, confusingly, was both yes and no.

A soft knock at the door startled her. Her grandmother, elegant and serene as always, entered, carrying a steaming cup of tea.  "Good morning, darling," the granny Carole greeted, her usual warmth tempered with a touch of concern. "Did you see the news?"

Alexandra managed a weak nod, accepting the offered tea.  The warmth from the cup seeped into her chilled hands, a small comfort in the emotional whirlwind swirling around her.

"We thought you might like some peace and quiet here for a bit," granny  explained with the tone she used to employ when Charlotte or George felt on the backyard "The media will be relentless, I'm afraid. But we are sure you will do it great"

Peace and quiet.  A luxury she hadn't truly known in years.  Here, in the familiar embrace of her grandparents' home, a place shielded from the prying eyes of the world, she could finally breathe.

As the day progressed, messages flooded her phone. A deluge of support from friends, cautious texts from her parents, and a heartwarming message from Meghan, her Uncle Harry's wife.  

Their message glowed on the screen:

"We know it's going to be a really busy day, but we wanted to reassure you that we will always be there for you sweetheart, you will do it amazing at the interview and everyone will realise how amazing you will be as a Queen one day. Feel free to call us if you need anything. With Love Uncle H and Aunty M."

Meghan's words, filled with reassurance and affection, offered a glimpse of the family she had only known from a distance.  A family that seemed genuinely supportive, a stark contrast to the carefully orchestrated interactions with her parents.  A tiny seed of hope bloomed within her, maybe no more hiding leaned her to have a normal family for once.

By late afternoon, a sense of calm settled over her.  The initial shock had passed, replaced by a steely determination. She listened carefully to the firm communication director giving instructions to her, she deciededTonight, she would face the world on her own terms.  At 7 pm, she would grant an interview to the BBC, the first step into a new reality.

HRH Princess Alexandra of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now