Chapter 6

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30 NOVEMBER 2020

The Duke of Sussex was driving faster than he ever had before, even during his reckless years in Paris. He didn't want to attract any attention from the media, especially since it was only ten o'clock at night and there was little traffic between Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace. They all knew that the inevitable would happen eventually, but they were hoping it would be later. The Princess was still adjusting to her position in the family and was just a teenager, so they wanted to protect her as best they could. Unfortunately, the squad of journalists following the Royal family was large enough to discover her existence after living in the United Kingdom for over a year.

The Dukes of Sussex received a call from the secretary of the Queen after nine o'clock, informing them that the following morning, a newspaper headline would read "Everything about Alexandra Victoria France, the secret heir of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge." Several pictures of the princess during her time in Wales would be included, and Buckingham Palace was unable to stop it. The Queen summoned everyone for a meeting to decide what to do.

While Meghan and Harry were not in the best position regarding of their relations with the Firm, they knew that their niece needed them, and they would be there for her. The Duke of Sussex had always had a soft spot for his niece as she reminded him of himself and his late mother. He remembered meeting her for the first time when she was just ten years old and spending her first summer at Balmoral. She was playing with the children of the Earls of Essex as if she had known them her whole life. Within minutes, she had won Harry's heart, and he knew he would do everything in his power to protect her.

When they arrived at Buckingham Palace, they were directed to one of the offices where the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were already waiting. They watched a copy of the newspaper that included several pictures of Alexandra in the private gardens of Kensington Palace, alongside her siblings and mother, and even one with the Duke of Sussex. The article, written by Piers Morgan, was disrespectful and upsetting, calling the Princess and Catherine names. He spoke about the inconvenience of having an heir to the British throne out of wedlock and even questioned the possibility of the girl not being William's child, which was a baseless assumption for everyone at the table. Alexandra was in fact a Windsor.

I've ordered the bodyguards of Lexy to take her out of the boarding school. Carol is taking her to Reading at least until after Christmas break- William spoke with a blank face, his worst nightmare was taking place, he knew that it would be extraordinarily difficult to take back his immaculate image.

The security team of my parents will guard the house and no media will be near them as it is a private urbanisation- even if they were surprised of Kate 's intervention nobody mentioned it although they were not used to her speaking up during those kinds of meetings.

Are you both comfortable with an interview of you three being recorded tomorrow night? - the Queen asked, following the plan her and her great grandchild created a year and a half earlier. She herself wasn't sure about it,, but she believed that that would be the best scenario there, things were changing and a simple press release would not explain the magnitude of an heir to the throne being kept in hiding for seventeen years.

Wouldn't it be best just to realise a press statement? It is simple and we avoid uncomfortable questions- William suggested

Indeed no, the press will get furious when they get to know that they had been lying for that long. They may turn everything into a nightmare, with the pandemic and Harry and Meghan leaving the Firm there is no other new so they would turn all of their efforts into trying to reach Alexandra. If you deliver and interview when questions may be asked with the approval of the communication team, they may just turn their attention into something different.

HRH Princess Alexandra of WalesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin