Epilogue | The reunion

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Two years and six months later.

The last time I saw Beck, Cyrus, and my boyfriend in person was at our graduation and that was two years and six months later, there is a reason for that. None of us wanted to go our separate ways to live our lives, it wasn't a choice, it was needed. Back then after the news outlets released how the trial went, we received both good and hate backlash from strangers from all around the world.

Of all of us, my boyfriend received most of them. Unfortunately, in the end, the hate comments weighed out the good ones. That's when we knew that we needed to go our separate ways until it was safe for us to be seen together again in person. I moved back home and stayed with my sister until I was able to save money to rent an apartment to live in by myself. Beck and Cyrus moved back home as well and my boyfriend moved to New Jersey to start fresh at least for a while until everything had settled down.

No matter, the many miles separating us, Beck, Cyrus, and I stayed being best friends. Instead of breaking up, Alfred and I stayed together and started a long-distance relationship. Looking back at it now, I know that putting some distance between us was good for us because it allowed us to move away from the traumatic experience and heal separately.

Two years and six months had to pass until we realized that the time for us to reunite once again had arrived. I have been waiting for the moment to see them since the day after graduation and now that the time is finally here. I can't help feeling excited and nervous at the same time.


I parked my car in one of the empty slots in the parking lot of the local restaurant. I placed my car in the ignition, I took my car keys off at the same time my phone vibrated on the center console. Before reaching for my phone, I took my seat belt off and then I picked up my phone.

There is a small part of me that is grateful for the distraction before I get out of my car and walk inside the restaurant. I tucked my now long blonde hair behind my right ear with one hand while the other unlocked my phone. Right sitting on top of my notifications there was a text message from my sister.

Kara: Good luck today, Lenny. I can't wait to hear how the reunion went over dinner at my house.

My lips formed a wide smile as I started typing my response to her text message. Over the past two years and six months, my sister and I have gotten a lot closer than we were before. We have multiple times during the week that we have dinner together either at my apartment or her house. So yeah, I see Kara and her husband pretty often.

Me: Thank you, Kara, I hope that this rendition goes well. I should get going, I will see you tonight 🙂

I retrieved my purse from the passenger's seat and placed my phone and my car keys inside before my sister had the opportunity to reply to my text message.

I opened the driver's door, hopped down from my car, and closed the door. As I started making my way through the parking lot and began heading towards the steps that led inside of the restaurant. Every step that I walked, the more deep breaths that I took in.

I adjusted my purse over my right shoulder as I walked to the stand where a hostess was standing with a small smile on her lips. "Good evening, what is the name under the reservation?"

Before answering her question, I looked at her showing a kind smile. "Good evening, the reservation should be under the name Lenora Keegan."

The hotness looked at me for a short period before she looked at the table on the wooden stand. "A reservation for four people, correct?"

"Yes, that's correct, the remaining three should get here soon." I told her, taking my phone from the inside of my purse and I clicked on the screen to check the time.

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