Political Aftermath

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With a determined stride, Obi-Wan entered the Senate chambers, ready to confront whatever trials awaited him and to fight for the ideals that he held dear. For in times of uncertainty and upheaval, it was the duty of the Jedi to be beacons of hope and guardians of peace, no matter the cost.

As Obi-Wan entered the grand Senate building, he was greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of political activity. Senators and aides hurried about, their voices blending into a cacophony of debate and discourse. Padmé Amidala stood at the entrance, her expression tense as she scanned the crowd for his arrival.

"Master Kenobi," Padmé said, relief evident in her voice as she approached him. "Thank you for coming."

Obi-Wan offered her a nod of acknowledgement. "Of course, Senator Amidala. You mentioned urgent matters being discussed. What is the nature of the debate?"

Padmé's features hardened as she led Obi-Wan towards the Senate hall. "The situation on Mandalore," she explained, her voice low and urgent. "There have been drastic changes recently, and the Senate is divided on how to respond."

Obi-Wan's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Mandalore. "What sort of changes?" he asked, his voice tight with concern.

Padmé glanced around to ensure they weren't overheard before continuing. "Duchess Satine has taken a more militaristic stance," she whispered. "The people of Mandalore are rallying behind her, and the Republic's influence is waning."

Shock rippled through Obi-Wan's veins at the revelation. Satine had always been a staunch advocate for peace. The idea of her embracing militarization was unthinkable.

"And what of the republic officials sent to Mandalore?" Obi-Wan inquired, his mind racing with possibilities.

Padmé shook her head solemnly. "They retreated due to the rising numbers of riots on the planet," she admitted sadly.

Obi-Wan's face displayed a mixture of denial and confusion as the news reached his ears. He could not understand how Duchess Satine, which pursued the path of pacifism with unwavering determination could possibly have such a drastic change of heart.

As they reached the Senate Hall, the doors swung open, revealing the chaotic scene within. Senators from across the galaxy clamoured for attention, their voices rising in heated debate.

Among the throng of senators, one figure stood out, his voice booming above the rest as he addressed the assembly. Senator Onaconda Farr, a respected voice of reason within the Senate, commanded attention with his impassioned words.

"Fellow senators," he began, his voice resonating with authority, "we stand at a crossroads in galactic history, faced with a decision that will shape the future of our Republic. The situation on Mandalore demands our immediate attention, for the choices we make today will reverberate throughout the galaxy for generations to come."

As he spoke, Senator Farr's gaze swept across the assembly, his eyes ablaze with conviction. "First and foremost," he continued, "we must consider the diplomatic ramifications of Mandalore's departure from the Republic. The sudden withdrawal of such a prominent member world threatens to strain our relations with other neutral or allied systems. Some may view Mandalore's decision as a betrayal or a sign of the Republic's weakening influence, leading to shifts in allegiances and diplomatic realignments."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd as senators nodded in recognition of the validity of Senator Farr's argument. He pressed on, his voice unwavering in its intensity.

"Furthermore," he declared, "Mandalore's renowned technological advancements, particularly in the field of weapons and armour, pose a significant concern for the Republic. The loss of access to Mandalorian technology and trade could have far-reaching implications for our economy and military industrial complex. We cannot afford to overlook the potential consequences of such a development."

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